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The Secret Babies

The Secret Babies


Chapter 0 Prologue

Word Count: 637    |    Released on: 22/10/2018


ouple of months ago in order to earn money to pay for her mum's

ings for Liam Williams, the only son

and sparks that flew between them because they were people from different worlds. Abiga

night. They broke the rule, they had sex and words couldn't describe how

n the servant quarters and instead of opening h

lded and out of curiosity, she

cursive handwriting. It was Liam's a

bled on the paper, her blush disappeared and f

ious night was a mistake that should never have occurred so

ed them all together and threw it across he

ce into her pillow and

to talk to Liam but he always ignored her and treated her as if she never ex

ness which Ruby noticed. Ruby Williams was the woman of the house,

disciplined. She was the type of person that called a spad

sick, She gave her a day off to go to the hospital and

her a series of questions which made her

few hours later and the doct

as she wondered how she was going to cope with raising a child on her own. S

ams's and tell them she was

ey beli

r as a slut who was only i

tray their trust in her. She was the foolish one, If she h

he feared for her life, for the life of her unborn

working for the Williams and never look back. Hopefull

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