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Breaking the Ice

Chapter 2 No rules for my own

Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 02/11/2018

ually held meetings here because of the soundproof rooms, and the staff are very mindful

elf, glancing on the mirror to look at the face of the lady that he w

his arm, he stood there waiting. But she just walked past him, giving him a look that says 'wh

e meal and get-to-know-each-other thing. Maki sat on another table, giving privacy to his boss, but close enough

ple's tax, so when he found Maki, and learned that he has military exp

ed casually as he looked at the menu, as the waiter stoo

on reply he get when it comes to first meeting or date like this. Ladies would always try to

after some moments that seemed like she was car

owl of ramen with 3 slices of beef, and 1 medium bowl of brown rice." She smiled warmly

essed his


eaving the menu, he said to the waiter,

his expectations are wa

s a bit expensive than the common restaurant but their servings here are larger, the atmosphere is private and serene, and you can observe the ever-busy Shibuya c

now each other a little before our wedding." Eto leaned on his ch

, until she turned her face away to get

, born in June, a nursery school teacher in Miyazaki. I like blue and pink, and I play tennis when I have time. I don't like spic

e is very good in knitting, as he recently noticed. He noticed one time that the flower vase cover in their living room has changed, and when he asked the staff who bou

eyes, and she felt uncomfortable. She feels lik


im back before he started daydream

s nice to know. Since we are both aware that this marriage is arranged by

ntly looking at her "aside from fulfilling our roles, s

he would be damned if he le

i nodded seriously as well. Since she is here, i

nd a pen. At Yuki's questioning look, Eto said, "We shall write here the most important thing or things

as he was already writing on the paper. Yuki also began to write. After a few minutes,

hey exchanged the paper

nd out that Yuki Nakamura cuckold me, I will n

ound of infidelity, Yuki Nakamura w

to fulfill all her wifely duties as

a will follow all the rules set by Senat

e looked at Yuki, trying to comp

he not have any demand

roat and motioned

rint your name and stamp your seal on it. I will

ook out her seal, then stamped it just beside her printed name.

his expression softened as he saw the seal case that was knitted by Ivy for

d a special place in his heart. She has been observing his facial expression but it's the first time it turned as soft as

ver? She

ving from afar realized his cue and immediately put the food on their

he same food with her. From the looks of it, Eto does not have that

there must be some form of agreement that has been made between his father and Yuki Nakamura. Otherwise, he could not think how obedien

isunderstandings. He wants everything to be perfectly clear between th

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1 Chapter 1 Eto Iguchi2 Chapter 2 No rules for my own3 Chapter 3 I will get to marry you4 Chapter 4 Yuki’s room5 Chapter 5 Ice Lady6 Chapter 6 The game that she’s playing7 Chapter 7 First kiss8 Chapter 8 I like you9 Chapter 9 She is indeed pure10 Chapter 10 No need to be too formal 11 Chapter 11 Compete with a ghost12 Chapter 12 Where is mine 13 Chapter 13 Yuki’s real feelings14 Chapter 14 Making out15 Chapter 15 Summer solstice16 Chapter 16 Give Me a Chance17 Chapter 17 You tricky bastard18 Chapter 18 Her pretense19 Chapter 19 He is my first20 Chapter 20 Bad dream21 Chapter 21 I will assault you22 Chapter 22 Her birthday present23 Chapter 23 I am not lying!24 Chapter 24 Yuki is pregnant25 Chapter 25 The key to Yuki’s past26 Chapter 26 How shameless are you27 Chapter 27 I am indeed a Senator28 Chapter 28 A secret up to your grave29 Chapter 29 The tip of the iceberg30 Chapter 30 The video tape31 Chapter 31 The evil plan 32 Chapter 32 Break the Ice33 Chapter 33 Let me court you34 Chapter 34 I am not a charity35 Chapter 35 I am yours only36 Chapter 36 She is my big baby37 Chapter 37 Green does not look good on you38 Chapter 38 Your present and your future39 Chapter 39 You are a shameless bitch40 Chapter 40 Maki is a suspect41 Chapter 41 Red demon mask42 Chapter 42 Mariko Sato’s hate43 Chapter 43 Yuki disappeared44 Chapter 44 Yuki’s acceptance45 Chapter 45 The evil incarnate46 Chapter 46 The blue-eyed saviour47 Chapter 47 The order48 Chapter 48 Run away with me49 Chapter 49 Prepare to die, Yuki50 Chapter 50 Just trust me51 Chapter 51 When the snow stopped falling52 Chapter 52 My false reverie53 Chapter 53 Tailed by the Shadows54 Chapter 54 When you wake up55 Chapter 55 His vain existence56 Chapter 56 Be ready to satisfy my needs57 Chapter 57 Make it up to me58 Chapter 58 Everyone has a shadow59 Chapter 59 No. 160 Chapter 60 Epilogue (We will try)