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Mighty Soldier King

Chapter 9 Anger Over The Affair

Word Count: 3161    |    Released on: 22/12/2018

ha! You can't deny what you've done because I have y

ecording Peter. Looking pleased, he said, "Do you think you're the only one who secretly records vid

me, you'll pay for it! And now that you've offended our brother, y

re related to you. Not only am I going to kick them out of Silverland Group, but I'm also going to find someone to g

as sent to the hospital immediately after. That was Peter's first day of work. Eric had been beaten so badly that he had to be carrie

d soon be spread throughout the compa

of course, he immediately realized that all of this had been pla

and ridiculous. He had been used by

ee the resemblance of your stupidity and viciousness. If I'm going to jail soon, I'm going to beat you both up befo

y could never touch, and that when that principle wa

t since they had the audacity to attack Shelly and Lisa, he would not let them get away with it. N

's eyes flashed with fear. Subc

Peter come toward them, he felt excited and pumped up. He hadn't gotten the chance

ed to be a top special forces soldier, and his fi

at the same time, professionally threw out a punch

ul that it seemed to have had an

hand like an eagle's claw. Suddenly, he gra

o be driven forward. For the first time in h

ike that. He couldn't believe it. He had just punched hard enough

The moment Bob leaned forward, Peter's r

uld react, Bob was found collapsed on t

t up, Peter stomped on him again

ualified to be a security chief. How could you possibly qualify

ce was full

d at the same time. He had never thought that h

round, yet he had complet

the back, completely scared.

e had thought was so strong, with

thought that he had offended such a powerful man made him

d tortured him for a while. When he realized that Eric's f

knees! Now!"


extremely frightened, shivered and

old eyes, which seemed to have no emotion. He had no doubt tha

cared out of his wits. He was so pale tha

m and that you were going to have them gang-raped, remember?" Peter's voice was

al and started shaking violently. He was so afraid of Peter that he t

then raised his hand, and slapped Eric several times. ''Are you implying that my ears ar

se words... " Eric's brain buzzed with each slap, and he felt that the sky and the earth was dimming before his eyes

slapped Eric several more times. "How can you say such

id, he would get beaten. Eric felt that he would rather di

Then, he pointed to Bob, who was at his feet,

how insidious you are! Your attempt to separa

and looked at Eric. "Are you going to hit Bob or not? If you refuse, you're the one w

course, of course, I'll hit him!" Eric gritted his teeth and jump

e the courage to fight back. You would rather murder your own brother! I've taken care of you all thes

Eric to the ground. The two men

't punch you that hard. It was like there was no effort at all. How could you hi

n who repays kindness with e

d, it turned into a fight. They hit each other harder and harder each time, and soon, they were all black and blue, out of breath

r occurred to them that things would turn out this way, that these two bad guy

angry look on his face. He was trying to settle accounts with Peter when he saw the

and threw him at the two fighting brothers. It all ha

At that moment, Peter took the opportunity to throw the bald man into their fight, which would surely make things worse. The brothers, blinded by their anger, did

ffle between the three. The three men were beating each other up so badly that the

if he were shooting a Hollywood blockbuster. He, as the victor,

gent. You guys have to move a little bit faster. If you guys are late, they might bleed to death." Peter watched the miserable scene of the three scuffling men for a

olice when he saw the fight, and he even called 911 with a calm demeanor. Despite the confusion, the m

ance crew rushed in and carr

cause of the three men's cries of pain, was s

slapped in the face by that bald man. Does it still hurt?" P

ter beating up the three bad guys, but she was relieved when she s

nked Peter immediately, but

? If you need me to teach them a few more lessons, I'll go to the hospital and beat them up again.

in trouble. If it hadn't been for his guilt, he wouldn

what she had just seen and heard, she believed that Peter w

it. The three men were already dying, so if he hit them again, they might really die. Of course, th

ul to Peter that they didn't w

I'll treat you to lunch to calm you down." Peter was

all r

ave made up their minds and went straight

eter asked, "What are you do

when he gets back. But it doesn't matter. Even if we get fired, we can still look for jobs in other

was always a way out. She, then, consoled Lisa, who was depressed beside her, "Lisa, don't worry. We're still you

t her gloomy mood about losing her job had impro

pack up and leave. I'm going to talk to the president of our company right now, and she would certainly agree tha

floor. If Shelly and Lisa would be sacked because he had pu

er and asked, somewhat doubtfully,

that he had to have made an unforgivable mistake. As a matter of fact, according to her previous experie

pressions on Shelly's and Lisa's faces, he realized that they both thought he had b

you get fired? That's strange, " muttered Shelly, which

t hand, and acted confident. "It does makes sense, " he bragged, "I am handsome a

tic Peter. She had a feeling that there might be some affair between Peter and the presi

h other so much that she won't say no to anything I say. She can give up everything for me and forgive all of my mist

t would be the end of him. He made it seem like what he had said was real that he felt sorry for B

s Peter finished boasting, a voice came up from

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1 Chapter 1 The Lady Whose Bag Has Been Robbed2 Chapter 2 The Girl He Met In The Bar3 Chapter 3 The Girl With An Angelic Body, But An Evil Heart4 Chapter 4 You Are Not Strong Enough5 Chapter 5 The Bad Brothers6 Chapter 6 The Mysterious Enchantress7 Chapter 7 Spineless8 Chapter 8 Beat Up The Bastard9 Chapter 9 Anger Over The Affair10 Chapter 10 Meeting The Parents11 Chapter 11 Alfred Gao12 Chapter 12 One Million Dollars13 Chapter 13 Opponents Always Meet14 Chapter 14 Alfred's Revenge15 Chapter 15 Robbery 16 Chapter 16 The Dinner Incident17 Chapter 17 Be Proven Wrong18 Chapter 18 Someone Is Killing19 Chapter 19 The Jerk20 Chapter 20 Extort Confessions21 Chapter 21 Hit Them To Death22 Chapter 22 Meet Elaine Again23 Chapter 23 A Call By The President24 Chapter 24 Elaine Was In Trouble25 Chapter 25 Beating The Rascal26 Chapter 26 Defeat Mac27 Chapter 27 Lady Killers28 Chapter 28 The Chase Along Busy Streets29 Chapter 29 Like A Toad Dreaming About Eating Swan Meat30 Chapter 30 What A Loser31 Chapter 31 What A Showoff32 Chapter 32 An Intense Battle33 Chapter 33 See Alfred Again34 Chapter 34 Trampling Him To Death35 Chapter 35 False Evidence And Incrimination36 Chapter 36 Stay Calm37 Chapter 37 Seeing An Old Classmate38 Chapter 38 Arrogance39 Chapter 39 A Beautiful Fighter40 Chapter 40 Felix Yang41 Chapter 41 Brandon The Tough Guy42 Chapter 42 Don't Provoke Her43 Chapter 43 Being Despicable Is Being Unbeatable44 Chapter 44 Shameless Quack45 Chapter 45 Jack Was Humiliated46 Chapter 46 What A Powerful Woman47 Chapter 47 Amelia Mo48 Chapter 48 The Brutal Young Man49 Chapter 49 The Worst Is Coming50 Chapter 50 A Storm Of Jealousy51 Chapter 51 Buy One Get One Free52 Chapter 52 You Are My Boss53 Chapter 53 The Joy In Helping Others54 Chapter 54 Beset With Suspicions55 Chapter 55 The Mysterious Murderer56 Chapter 56 Brandon's Prestige57 Chapter 57 Gregorio Lin58 Chapter 58 Mad Revenge59 Chapter 59 Tremble In Fear60 Chapter 60 Peter’s Wrath61 Chapter 61 Rowen62 Chapter 62 Pepper Spray63 Chapter 63 You Will Be Responsible64 Chapter 64 An Ambush65 Chapter 65 I Am The Mighty Soldier King66 Chapter 66 Insane Murderer67 Chapter 67 Celebrity Party68 Chapter 68 You Can't Kick The Bucket69 Chapter 69 Don't You Think I Am Beautiful 70 Chapter 70 Peter Is A Nouveau Riche71 Chapter 71 Mr. Popular72 Chapter 72 Exquisite Driving Skills73 Chapter 73 A Bloodbath74 Chapter 74 Shame On You75 Chapter 75 The Super Paprika76 Chapter 76 Get Out Of Golden City77 Chapter 77 Revenge From Bob78 Chapter 78 Thank You For Reminding Me79 Chapter 79 You've Been Scammed80 Chapter 80 Bella's Grandfather Was Assassinated81 Chapter 81 The Mysterious Gunner82 Chapter 82 Director Of Security Department83 Chapter 83 Director's Vicious Secretory84 Chapter 84 False Claims85 Chapter 85 Does Anyone Refuse To Obey My Orders 86 Chapter 86 High Spirits87 Chapter 87 Sandra Liu88 Chapter 88 What The Fuck89 Chapter 89 If I Tell You, You’ll Be Scared To Death!90 Chapter 90 Angus Piao of North Street91 Chapter 91 Anyone Else 92 Chapter 92 I Will Beat You Up If You Are Not Convinced93 Chapter 93 Call Me Mr. Wang94 Chapter 94 A Slap In The Face95 Chapter 95 Axel And Carson96 Chapter 96 Flirting With A Rich Young Man97 Chapter 97 Terrifying Three Attacks98 Chapter 98 You Are So Heartless99 Chapter 99 Brazen Practice100 Chapter 100 The Deliberate Security Director