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Mending the Shadow

Chapter 30 My new toy

Word Count: 1692    |    Released on: 21/12/2018

g and blinding rays of the sun. He found it strange that the sun is still too hot at mid-autumn. He and his two


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1 Chapter 1 Shadows of the Wind 2 Chapter 2 The No. 23 Chapter 3 I have peeled an apple for you4 Chapter 4 My blue-eyed prince5 Chapter 5 The No. 66 Chapter 6 Everything about him7 Chapter 7 Being too good-looking8 Chapter 8 Coffee and cake9 Chapter 9 Pay me with yourself10 Chapter 10 My part of the bargain11 Chapter 11 You look awful12 Chapter 12 I will protect you with my life13 Chapter 13 A taste of your cake14 Chapter 14 I am here for you15 Chapter 15 I have seen you with nothing16 Chapter 16 I'm Kana's bedmate17 Chapter 17 My cousin is such a joker18 Chapter 18 You trust me too much19 Chapter 19 No other man worthier20 Chapter 20 I'm allergic to flowers21 Chapter 21 Wear a scarf22 Chapter 22 Serendipity23 Chapter 23 I'm her bodyguard24 Chapter 24 I choose this man25 Chapter 25 I won't just forfeit26 Chapter 26 I just came to visit you27 Chapter 27 I own all of you28 Chapter 28 When the dawn breaks29 Chapter 29 I don't have the heart30 Chapter 30 My new toy31 Chapter 31 Where she rightfully belongs32 Chapter 32 Don't look at me!33 Chapter 33 His heart was in agony34 Chapter 34 A good report35 Chapter 35 You are fascinating36 Chapter 36 Will you be my girlfriend 37 Chapter 37 Just to be with him38 Chapter 38 Akihito's punishment39 Chapter 39 Tell me what are you sorry for40 Chapter 40 Am I just a decoration41 Chapter 41 Make a speech42 Chapter 42 Welcome back, Master43 Chapter 43 I am called Han'nya44 Chapter 44 I exist to serve you45 Chapter 45 The only woman I cared for46 Chapter 46 I am a Shadow47 Chapter 47 We are originally one48 Chapter 48 How I want myself to be seen by you 49 Chapter 49 You are just a piggy bear50 Chapter 50 When the snow falls51 Chapter 51 You are not alone anymore52 Chapter 52 Afraid of his own Shadow53 Chapter 53 I will love no other man54 Chapter 54 Let's get married55 Chapter 55 That is my final decision56 Chapter 56 Do you like me 57 Chapter 57 You slept here on my bed58 Chapter 58 Don't flatter yourself59 Chapter 59 I want to hear you say it 60 Chapter 60 I am a man who cherishes you61 Chapter 61 Han'nya's identity62 Chapter 62 A man is better with his woman63 Chapter 63 Han'nya's wish64 Chapter 64 What would be the prize 65 Chapter 65 Eleven bullets for twelve targets66 Chapter 66 Do you have a death wish 67 Chapter 67 I have yet to claim my prize68 Chapter 68 My feelings for you69 Chapter 69 The Master's judgement70 Chapter 70 I came to bring you back71 Chapter 71 Raiden72 Chapter 72 Kirito and Han'nya73 Chapter 73 She is a special woman74 Chapter 74 I shall be yours alone75 Chapter 75 Brother, happy birthday to us!76 Chapter 76 Nice to meet you77 Chapter 77 The new right-hand man78 Chapter 78 I want to be a nurse79 Chapter 79 I want to be your man 80 Chapter 80 Epilogue (We belong together)