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Un-Till Christmas

Chapter 4 June

Word Count: 1037    |    Released on: 28/12/2018



days but the issue is we never had a one on one conversation except for the day he threatened me that I should leave his sister alone. I wa

year back, my major plan was to finish school and proceed to Medical school and become a gyneacolo

through the bakery as it was the first thi

is due to the fact that it had been years since she last saw me. I'm the girl who left

t's me and you look

ou grew up to be this beautiful" Sh

race, it's so nic

ur wild side before I get to visit my g

It's not the same as always but I'm

ow, how's your husband and kids" There we go again, another woman, same question. The people living in t

urbing me

plan for such thing

t how to catch a rich and handsome guy?" She

that made her "caught" bald at bot

between you and let us get to today's business" Veronica had to inter

une. You need lessons" she said after I fo

and Veronica gave me the stink eye. I only sh

ng stick. The last I saw of Harry was nothing similar to what was before me immed

other but for Harry's sake, I'll announce that June is here" Ver

is I think I'm stil

him and helped him sit on the cushion placed perfectly in the living room. Looking around now, I can say this play is really fur

ntryside with a population less than a thousand?" He a

ou to mind your own business" I replied be

exist but just a little

uestion I wanted to ask him. Questions like why is he here without his wife and daughter?, He's married, I heard, about two years

I'll need help if I'll go out, so that's why you're here. Y

ally blind?"

n't see the light, I'll know the place is dark and I'm not sure beca

t's someh

d I swear my heart dropped. He's so pi

ward. Things will definitely

was in junior high school. So it's no big deal,

en before or after?" He asked and I

or aft

ggest problem is that he kn

, open up and

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