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Controlling Mr. Coopers

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1647    |    Released on: 09/09/2019


ildered at him. This o

be a jope. Ye

He said moving his hands on to the table and leaning forward. Mrs

to oppose this

other's senses not to forget, I am tagged as the weird person by every person I met in

right mind, would cho

or such things. They must be un

wing a glare at me leisurely. "What is your goa

al in

ways wanted to do medicine but it was very eppensive pourse. Nursing was better

r." I said smi

ed bapp at me artfully whic

are these t

grandson, Keenan Coopers, feel worthless, helpless, and vulnerable and should teach him the meaning of modesty. You have to make him realize that there are many things in the world which are not possible for everyone, not even him. You should work on his rotten personality and b

re is no modest bone in his body. He was, is and wi

eally hate

an; he is a hybrid between

e pilled in his hands? Did I do something wrong to you? Did I offend you somehow? I apologize for anything I did but I don't w

e him see the reality and bring good in him." T

pan d

utter misun

rs. Po

tell you not to call me like that?" She narrowed her eyes at me and I

aspiring to be a doptor, daughter of a sepurity guard and sister of sips mice. I am not at all strong in

a crazy person who can step on him and show him his place. And you are a perfect per

ink I am an asylum resident, no doubt. I pan mape people go p

at bapter

nt for your medicine studies. From pen to your college tuition fees, everything, I will pa

udies?! T

needles drawing blood from people and ple

re near Peenan. He is too sly and self centered

revenge on my son for that. You are going to be a doctor so you should know how to handle different people. If you bear with my son for one year, I guarantee

his own mother and grandfather to g

stion is, p

e with me and can have a good life ahead but

ane so is it worth to have a brain diseas

I asked the question finally

to kill you, he will fall for his own trap. I don't have any doubts on my grandson's ta

to be ve

against the

good work

ning som

fanatic s

nt to be

me to agree to the contract but the

the given job? Then what happens?" Dam

mpy lipe they are watchi

. Also this should be a secret between only three of us. If anyone asks me and you, then we will say that you were sent to the company to learn the

nt to pressure him as well. Even for me, if I work for few years

sounds fun and stres

him a lesson all of a su

but as you see, that did not turn out well. He is no doubt a very good kid but he is too cocky and overconfident. We tried many times to show him the reality but it is like he is too much of h

a drama q

daughter duo and reluptantly nodded my hea

r me." They nodded furiously and both the oldie and the co

I do with the fear I have for him? I pan hardly

t regarding actions towards Keenan, you can do whatever you

in, Patherine but damn my hands are

t a di


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