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Ascent of Hero on the Dragon Throne

Chapter 9 The New Change

Word Count: 1971    |    Released on: 30/09/2019

his flesh ferociously. Overwhelmed with the pain, he couldn't stop himself and knelt on the ground. The c

fore them. They were convinced that what Rocky was going through was the kiss of death. In a few hundred years that had passed, no one—even if he was extremely preemi

pt to hold Rocky back. They looked with cold and shocked eye

nmoved. He kept looking at Rocky with disdain. It

and began to run towards Rocky. Suddenly a deep

the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, the father of the owner of Rocky's b

he Holy Dragon Bead. He will die if it goes on like

a mistake to keep him alive. He is a disgrace to our r

after looking towards the source of tha

he empress of the Holy Dragon Empire, he would succeed to the th

towards his brother. His eyes revealed his hatred for Rocky. He always

he emperor of the Holy Dragon Empi

onse to her pleas. He kept looking impassively at Rocky, wh

s as if the body was not his own. However, he could hear strange cries. Those seemed to be cries likely to come from an over-fuss

h experience when he got along with animals as an animal geneticist. He knew that sometimes things could be conveyed through other ways in

y, the cries faded away. Meanwhile, it appeared that the stroking had a sen

t band was still around his arms. The light band grew brighter and brighter. He felt a light burning sensation on the skin as if something was being imprinted with a hot seal. He sensed tha

ngs showed up. Instantly, the light glared like the scorching sun. All the people present there were overwhelmed by the formidable pressure. It began

fferently, couldn't stop himself from trembling violently with a surprised expression evident

vanished like an illusion. When their eyes rested upon Rocky again, it was like a bolt from the

mbers and nobles staring in his direction with an awkward silence, he stood up in bewilderment and

on other people, though they were not as obvious compared to the others. If not looked caref

ade it!" A voice reached his ears

prise and excitement. Her thin, red lips slightly parted as her small hand

ow could Rocky do that?" Shirley was stunned at the sight of Rocky managing to fuse with the Holy Dragon Bead. Just

and shock. Thinking of that, he burst into laughter. He was aware that he had performed a miracle.

al voices began to ris

rince like him fuse with the Holy Dragon Bead? I

Dragon Spirit Bead, but he got nowh

d this useless man suddenly be able to a

ed and queer eyes. He couldn't hide his rage and finally began to rebuke, "Your Royal High

wrath, Rocky just shrugged his sho

ne it all intentionally," Priest De

you accuse Basil of wrong intentions?

He should know that the Holy Dragon Bead is the holy treasure of the Holy Dragon Emp

emory. He knows nothing. How could he rec

too weak. He will never be able to qualify as a spirit manipulator. As you can see, only a little spiritual p

the ability to make the human, who fused with it, the King of Spirit Manipulation. How could it be possible that Rocky's spiritual power didn't reach the first grade of the Mortal Stage? Rather it seemed in

ntrast. It was unconvinci

ir eyes turned disdainful and jealous. Staring ferociously at Rocky, they thought tha

dn't matter as Basil is a prince," Lena retorted an

t so lucky that he was able to fuse with the holy treasure of the Holy Dragon Empire. If he would not have been able to make that fusion, he could never become a spirit ma

Rocky and looking around the crowd, he said, "I must admit that it is Basil who has been irresponsible. He disturbed the ritual and destroyed the holy treasure of the Holy Dragon Emp

Holy Dragon Empire. They had never expected that he would puni

ment made by the emperor, his f

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1 Chapter 1 Rebirth2 Chapter 2 Pretending to Have Lost Memory3 Chapter 3 A Flying Dragon4 Chapter 4 Revelation5 Chapter 5 Not A Loser6 Chapter 6 Starting Over7 Chapter 7 Grand Dragon Hall8 Chapter 8 Magic Power9 Chapter 9 The New Change10 Chapter 10 I Will Challenge You11 Chapter 11 Choose Your War Beast! (Part One)12 Chapter 12 Choose Your War Beast! (Part Two)13 Chapter 13 The Beautiful Instructor14 Chapter 14 The Unfathomable Prince And His War Beast15 Chapter 15 Burning Power16 Chapter 16 Strong Performance (Part One)17 Chapter 17 Strong Performance (Part Two)18 Chapter 18 No Time To Run19 Chapter 19 Magical Effect20 Chapter 20 Brand New Match21 Chapter 21 It Grows Fast22 Chapter 22 Breakthrough23 Chapter 23 Capable of Being Arrogant24 Chapter 24 The Unexpected Trip To The Bazaar25 Chapter 25 Breathtaking26 Chapter 26 Powerful Strange Women27 Chapter 27 The Real Strong Ones (Part One)28 Chapter 28 The Real Strong Ones (Part Two)29 Chapter 29 Mysterious Tattoo30 Chapter 30 Spiritual Crystal31 Chapter 31 Stronger32 Chapter 32 Marcia's Homecoming (Part One)33 Chapter 33 Marcia's Homecoming (Part Two)34 Chapter 34 Special Ability (Part One)35 Chapter 35 Special Ability (Part Two)36 Chapter 36 The Rapid Progress37 Chapter 37 Let Me Try38 Chapter 38 The Greatest Of Ease39 Chapter 39 Study Hard40 Chapter 40 Rocky's Big Change41 Chapter 41 Uriah Reveals Itself By Striking The First Blow42 Chapter 42 An Expectation43 Chapter 43 High Hopes On Basil44 Chapter 44 A Bright Future45 Chapter 45 Double The Efforts46 Chapter 46 Awakening47 Chapter 47 Extraordinary Discovery48 Chapter 48 The General Was About To Visit The Dragon Field49 Chapter 49 Busy Dragon Field50 Chapter 50 Close Relations51 Chapter 51 The Surprising And Precious Gifts From Marcia (Part One)52 Chapter 52 The Surprising And Precious Gifts From Marcia (Part Two)53 Chapter 53 Enhancing Rapidly (Part One)54 Chapter 54 Enhancing Rapidly (Part Two)55 Chapter 55 Rocky's Lucky Charm56 Chapter 56 Hello There57 Chapter 57 Is It Really You 58 Chapter 58 The Formidable Opponents59 Chapter 59 The Contest60 Chapter 60 The Useless Prince61 Chapter 61 Hide His Power62 Chapter 62 The Fury Of The Opponent63 Chapter 63 A Loser's Counterattack64 Chapter 64 About To Become The Laughing Stock (Part One)65 Chapter 65 About To Become The Laughing Stock (Part Two)66 Chapter 66 Neck And Neck67 Chapter 67 Spirit Possession68 Chapter 68 Who Is Better Now 69 Chapter 69 Madness70 Chapter 70 Shocking Scene71 Chapter 71 You Versus Me72 Chapter 72 Fight Between Masters73 Chapter 73 A Wonderful Game74 Chapter 74 Amazing Light75 Chapter 75 Call It A Day 76 Chapter 76 It Is Too Late77 Chapter 77 Peaceful Time78 Chapter 78 An Astonishing Decision (Part One)79 Chapter 79 An Astonishing Decision (Part Two)80 Chapter 80 Betrothal81 Chapter 81 Getting Married With That Woman 82 Chapter 82 Sacrifice83 Chapter 83 Rocky's Strange Strength84 Chapter 84 General Bryant Is Back85 Chapter 85 Brewing Storm86 Chapter 86 Date With Lena87 Chapter 87 The Emperor's Purpose88 Chapter 88 Strong Momentum89 Chapter 89 Gorgeous Beauty90 Chapter 90 A Deal Was Made91 Chapter 91 Go Out With Mia (Part One)92 Chapter 92 Go Out With Mia (Part Two)93 Chapter 93 Mysterious Evaluation94 Chapter 94 Shocked To The Core95 Chapter 95 Beast Evaluation Competition96 Chapter 96 Losing The Contest97 Chapter 97 The New Quality98 Chapter 98 A New Skill99 Chapter 99 The Legendary Magical Evaluation Skill100 Chapter 100 Great Beast Evaluation Skill