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Three In One

Chapter 2 Briana

Word Count: 1091    |    Released on: 27/01/2020

h people, and the chaos wa

out on the left side of the hall, and abou

between them, the parade of band gee

ing but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that

, not that I fit into

b curls, with a librarian

, jumps into my arms while squeezing

too, " I muffled

work full-time just to help around the apartment that my sisters are living in now. Not too muc

't put up my thought about it. We broke up and now he wants me and I

ar here and it fe

asked me as she tosses her pink hair up in a bun. S

lasses online, but I

have to go back

that?'' I wiggled

, kinda hate it but at the sam


my first class, Biology. I said goodbye to Felicity an

who was checking in with the students one

she turned around and asked p

avis, '' I

and smiles at me, letting me

few minutes later, the professor continued with her lesson but m

ould easily point out the jocks, cheerleaders, and b

erson, high-school popular football star, a

boy vibes were coming off of him and I hated

s get started, ''

as Professor Guiterrez beg

duce yourself, and what's your major?

jacket while his posse was

he boys said and


ake anyone smile. Green eyes, more of a hazel tint, which was the best eyes I hav

istian Anderson. QB of the t

which made everyone in the room laughed. Christ

mes from A, to B, C, then D which m

d my name and I stood up

poke from Christian's comment rudely spoke to m

ool, '' Christian said

he stand u

ell that w

a Davis, and I want to

of the boys said and e

esting Briana, '' the pro

along with everyone else. I sat back down o

me a sma

. I responded back and quickly opened my MacBook Pro,


orner to grab some food for tonight. I was at Walmart, grabbing

uy when I felt someone was behind me. Turning around there was C

ooked away when I felt his

'' He said, walk

to him and smiled nervously. ''Yeah, th

Yeah, I know w

oat. ''What are

hopping, fo


start of the seaso

hanks, I h

it's just one party, for t

me? Shouldn't you be

w you since high school. Thought I co

ry no tha


hink abo

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