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The Gentleman's Code

The Gentleman's Code

Author: D Fox

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 544    |    Released on: 12/12/2020


le. The expensive piece of furniture was conveniently placed next

lored suit which most likely cost


he upper classes, yet the nobleman's behavio

playing at all. The man hadn't introduced himself when they'd met earlier and he hadn't been accompanied b

ivate guests; it was likely he didn't keep a regular household, a

nd free from the class norms their noble origin required them to comply with. "Cigarette? " The nobleman offered and took one out from an int

nd a way to feign indifference to what he was seeing. And that was he had zero

ad on the nobleman

ction as it was, he didn't need to

eyes even more outstanding and attracti

to make him feel nervous. "No, no. Thank you." He stuttered. "Ah, I see there

table with the pile of money and a few jewels ne

ook a sip from his glass and folded his own cards. "How...?" William's hands began visibly shaking. "You seem tense. This is onl

red on William's fa

inconvenience in a different way. Because y

t. More - he seemed to be taking pl

n smiled, this time it

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