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Chapter 9 09

Word Count: 1157    |    Released on: 21/01/2021


in front of the kitchen. His eyes pierced into mine, taking m

grip on my hand was beginning to hurt. No matter how much

n I did, I felt him tighten the grip causing blood

ain as I couldn't take it anymore.

he instructed and


s, Bunny" He c

o you hate how I look that much,

my hand but he only backed me agai

e me fucking repeat myself, L

ened my eyes to look at him. Once our eyes

ugly and despicable, but you can go all mushy on my handsome chef. You are no different from

ck home. I don't even know where this place is. I don't know why I'm here or where I am. I don't even

napped and separated from family, I would've slapped such a person seriously in t

me back home to my family even though my hear

?" He suddenly asked, almos

n my scent. He moved his mouth closer to my

rds dried out from my throat and all t

l? Can I at l

pped my hands

d, do you?" He asked

lly left that place does not mean any other person would leave there alive. Your friend,

gth came from but I knew I l

get in contact with his face.

d and I started kicking,

friend. I swear to God, I'll kill yo

screamed at me, getting me to st

Pearl, Aurora and I had been so close as sisters ran through my head. I just can'

meone hugging me from behind and I knew it was R

t die like tha

and I hate him for that. I can't eve

ight piss him off and make him do worse. Damon is a nice man,

l I care about is the fact that he's a murderer. He killed

any more trouble, Lyla" She used my na

. It is actually good to let it all out" Damon interrupted and a

nd face him but Damon

I own hell myself. It's time I let you get that same

nd I knew he had a dev

men walked into the hou

nd according to the rule, you know wha

placed a finger on my jaw and tol

r side, I knew that was what he wanted. He wanted me to beg for my lif

guys out of the house. When I turned back, he was watching

e would've been more miserable. Thank you for giv

ped from my face

n pushed me into the car, covered my face with a b

ving towa

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