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Embrace the dark

Chapter 5 Pure Lust

Word Count: 1416    |    Released on: 16/01/2021

unbuckle my seatbelt. "I don't think I'm able to

passed my front and grazed my breasts intentionally.


y heels, agains

laughed at me and picked me up bridal style to the house, then sets me down when we reached the front

lo there..

e door for me, then

ddenly knelt and unbuckle my strappy heels, then handed them to me.

ng me moaned. "Go now... or I'll fuck you right here right no


startled me as he wraps his arms, snaking me from behind. "I've been dying to do this sinc

ifteen, seeing you after your morning run ba

you to return from your morning run." I turned facing him and rest my hands to his

ld never guess

re you sober enough for me to fuck you?" he

'm a horny drunk. So it's best that you have me now when my

isses from my neck down to my nipples, where he continues to suck and lick giving them his full attent

ays wondered. I usually imagine you naked, when I touched myself. I wan


Maybe we should stop. I don't want you to forget

on. So I pushed him to bed, with me on top of him in my underwear.

lick his chest, and bite his nipples making him cursed. I unbuckled hi

y. He rewarded me with a deep moan, then I strip off his

e over and he was on top of me. He was taking off my br

me naked?" His brow arched challenging me. Then I openly gaze at him and sta

p. His handsome face, and his toned defined body, was taking over my desire. Then my eyes widened, as he started to stroke his shaft while wat

o lower his head down pulling him between my legs. He smi

king it. I sit up and watch him sucking me, he looks up at me, and smiles licking his

d his tongue replacing his fingers, as I flopped back to his bed wantonly. I could feel him smiling u

a couple of seconds, and come back later te

Shit shit shit...I didn't think this through. His fucki

s, I was exceptionally great at it, but I couldn't seem to giv

ever felt right. Not like right now, hell I'll make him fuck me if I have to

l make it up to you later on..." He quickl

can't!" He stopped immediately


ing, his arms were holding me tight, his were eyes looking at

ing my neck, sucking it. Then he was touching my breasts and kissing me breathless, I was opening my mouth l

...fuck like that, so tight..." he kept on whispering while parting my t

ng me, while his other hand was stroking me


ed going


can't hold it!" He kept on fucking me fast and hard, as he started sucking my nipple

im bucking my body, as I come hard and he kept on fucking me pushing deeper inside me

op of me letting me feel his weight, then coll

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