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The Auction

The Auction


Chapter 1 Tatina

Word Count: 1197    |    Released on: 20/02/2021


I can be for the sick depraved bidders. I have never had my hair dyed and curled. I have never had my nails done. I have never been to a spa. Yet here I am today, getting pamp

ost everything playing poker with the vampire authority elite, he should be here not me. Now I have to pay for his crimes. I have to be here to cover his debts. I should be getting

lled. Drew was so excited to get his hands on a hybrid—my mother a fairy and my father a vampire. I am an only child. I have the powers of a fairy and vampire qualities. Unfortunately, I can

oung blonde girl pain

. I should not be mean to her. It is not her fault

e," she says. She tries to smile at me and give me hop

am I crying? I am crying because I am ab

fy when they take your picture," she says. She begins wiping my tears and locks over my shoulder to make sur

comes. The first chance I get, I can run. If the drugs would wear off, I could free myself from this place. I can fight my way out. I feel a pinch

e to do your makeup, and JoJo will do your hair. Okay?" she says.

mood to talk to anyone.

e are vampires coming from everywhere to bid on your sweet ass," he says. He smells

s ass into a fairy trap. I would love to see him suffer. I would lo

he weirdoes gets you, like me," he says with an evil lau

nd me and starts p

She was 28 and indebted heavily to the vampire authority. It was sad. Really sad. Horace bought her, and well, nobody ever heard

t ask her why she is here, but I want to know why s

a few years and be done. The vampire authority gave me the option to go in the short

spond looking down into my la

ad the authority couldn't take

and let it happen. I think she was jealous of me because I am a hybrid.

we are. The only thing I can do for

ver knew my stringy long dark hair could look so beautiful.

f on my face. It is so icky. I have never been one to wear a lot of makeup. She has painted my

a whore," I

says. She walks away leaving me looking at m

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1 Chapter 1 Tatina2 Chapter 2 Tatina3 Chapter 3 HORACE4 Chapter 4 Jayne5 Chapter 5 Arriving in New Orleans6 Chapter 6 If she only knew7 Chapter 7 Vampires8 Chapter 8 Ungrateful9 Chapter 9 Mr. Craig10 Chapter 10 I am yours, Mr Craig11 Chapter 11 What did I do12 Chapter 12 Auctions13 Chapter 13 Jayne14 Chapter 14 You will not back out now15 Chapter 15 The Authority is watching 16 Chapter 16 Vampire Business17 Chapter 17 Glenn18 Chapter 18 Why is this happening 19 Chapter 19 Craig is coming20 Chapter 20 Craig21 Chapter 21 Master22 Chapter 22 The Truth23 Chapter 23 A night with Craig24 Chapter 24 He may not be who I think he is afterall. 25 Chapter 25 The Fairy in the basement26 Chapter 26 Something is wrong here27 Chapter 27 Breeding Box28 Chapter 28 Tatina is my betrayer29 Chapter 29 This is your life now30 Chapter 30 You need my help Jayne31 Chapter 31 Draco32 Chapter 32 Jayne is in trouble33 Chapter 33 Aurora34 Chapter 34 After the quiet comes the madness35 Chapter 35 Death comes after the madness36 Chapter 36 Two Years Later37 Chapter 37 Tatina and Draco38 Chapter 38 Marry Me39 Chapter 39 I want you to be my wife40 Chapter 40 YES41 Chapter 41 Back to New Orleans42 Chapter 42 Jamie43 Chapter 43 I miss you44 Chapter 44 Lester45 Chapter 45 Just a little drama46 Chapter 46 Welcome to New Orleans47 Chapter 47 She is missing48 Chapter 48 Lettie49 Chapter 49 Tibo's Place50 Chapter 50 Horace and His Auction51 Chapter 51 Lester52 Chapter 52 The Raid53 Chapter 53 Everything will be okay54 Chapter 54 The Church55 Chapter 55 Her Story56 Chapter 56 Now What 57 Chapter 57 Bump in the Night58 Chapter 58 Into the night59 Chapter 59 My Love60 Chapter 60 The Mountains61 Chapter 61 Her Vampire Side62 Chapter 62 Tatina is Turning63 Chapter 63 Renae and Lester