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Damien`s Obsession: The Billionaire Payne Brothers

Damien`s Obsession: The Billionaire Payne Brothers

Author: Rue

Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 23/02/2021

y or not

front of my squared dark brown m

rt-shaped lips to my creamy pale skin. A small sigh escaped my lips at how plain looking I was, compared to all these beautiful stunning girls that graced the university which I was attending. They were all rich too,

tudy desk. All those nights of sleeping late, not going out and ma

as Valedictorian for my software engineering degree class. I could not wai

as left all alone having to take care of a baby. Through hard work and doing manual labor jobs like working as a maid, she did it and was able to give me a normal childhood. As normal

rd and make sure that I could on

When it comes to dating, I had spent all my high school years single. It was only now in my final

for my anxiety right no

ar of not wanting to lose my scholarship, in the case of accidentally getting pregnant. Like what happened to my mother. But now that I had re

the mirror in turmoil while tracing my

to see me and was looking gorgeous as always with her light blue eyes, blonde hair and model looking figure which I always envied. Instead I was too curvy and on the plus size compared to all the

liment the sexy, short and lacey tight black dress outfit. One which I wore with these cute black heels. Underneath was the latest black la

face. I knew the reason; she had always hated my boyfriend Greg and di

replied that

my makeup. It was the reason I had sent her a text to come to m

aid while closing t

know what I would

e, we had met and bonded fr

art she had done with my face. I suddenly fel

e a sexy bitch!” Jess added but p

his dope night club party.” After saying that, she left not waiting for my r

o Jess. I could not even count how many men she had dated just for only this year. Once she grew tired or b

dering how stunning she was an

ad told Greg that I was coming to see him at his house at 5pm but after watching more tv to waste time, I

edium black coat on top as it was a bit chilly outside. While getting an edible green apple to munch on, I called

no reply from her room, meaning she was already go

and always sulked when I said to wait. But now I was finally ready to give it all to him. He deserved it for being the best boyfriend and waiting pa

,” I came out of my thoughts upon hea

h a blush and realized the top part of my coat had o

while nodding, I quickly co

pped and I quickly g

ke me, but he instead was doing a business major considering he was inheriting his father's company

uddenly wished I had not entere

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