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My Personal Lycan King

Chapter 4 Weird Attraction

Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 07/03/2021


r di

the time I moved. Well, I've been trying

uld be able to bear with it soo smoothly. Daniel and his friends have

Today, they are going to throw a party to celebrate one of

15 months. I am super nervous. I just

g and attentive towards everyone. I like how he carries himself an



air on the balcony to pick up the top I had left there to

t towards the forest and thus, I have

back towards the forest, but the large and dense trees

ons again. I'll have to stop Marla



hree days, I walked

r, but I politely declined. Even Daniel and his friends had ask

ends. Deciding against the fact that it wasn't probably the best time to greet

elled while waving at me, and ev

, I started to mo

good-byes and leaving for their

ost handsome man in the world. Wel

half of the face were visible, I cou

han me and I almost had a

rd feeling, I crossed my hands in defen

ed what he was doing and suddenly

I stood there frozen for good seconds

about her. And Victoria this is the main m

e to Daniel and others, I left for the class. Though the guy was

e he would probably eat me alive

Daniel and Aiden said as they both

heavy. Get off o

ou'll have to bear with

tant feeling of someone staring at me a

nking about that mysterious guy Alexander. Yes,

that stuff, but I was feeling weird

towards him. I mean I have seen plenty of good men, but I ne

creepy attractive Alexander not there, I hea

y's party? Don't worry about it, you don't have to stress about it. We'll just gather aro

uinely before stand

order myself something, do yo

mediately stood and his frien

ing and I don't know why but I


d I felt electric shocks run down me. It felt like I was

other than my new creepy

rder too. Let's go." He sai

g towards the counter, which

thought of getting angry at my behavior before ordering two c

ecause he was upset that I

at on Daniel's table was occupied and I guess Da

burgers, one medium-sized pizza, 2 overloaded pieces of che

mean I can accompany you if you c

u want." He said before tuggi

it red at this because I

to it, Alexander ca

t him ques

ied." He stated the obvious

, he turned towards me

his cheeks or maybe b

he kind of thoughts I was ha

rong with you?' I wan

for you?" I started not

e I don't know of it?" Alexan

ir surprise plan? I looked

ming back is just right for that purpose and thus we are celebratin

der then asked me, his

it." I said not knowing

." Daniel said pinching my

or what but I think I heard a loud

d my chocolate

ng my mess, I saw both Daniel

d then I looked towards my plate that con

ing.' I thought befo

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1 Chapter 1 In the new town Pearly Canines2 Chapter 2 New Day, New Life, New Friends!3 Chapter 3 Antsy Wolf4 Chapter 4 Weird Attraction5 Chapter 5 The Wild Wolf-Bear6 Chapter 6 Tasted the heavens!!7 Chapter 7 A weird dream!8 Chapter 8 Let's be friends!9 Chapter 9 Sinful thoughts10 Chapter 10 Invading his privacy!11 Chapter 11 The presence of Carla!12 Chapter 12 The accidental kiss!13 Chapter 13 Crazy Professor!14 Chapter 14 Waking up in his bed!15 Chapter 15 Became dinner overnight!16 Chapter 16 Thunder saved my ass!!17 Chapter 17 Got a genie on my back!18 Chapter 18 Nightmare of powers!19 Chapter 19 I am my own genie!20 Chapter 20 Hallucinations!21 Chapter 21 The plan to Alexander's destruction!22 Chapter 22 Not gonna go all 'Bella'23 Chapter 23 Getting ready for the party!24 Chapter 24 Alexander being possessive!25 Chapter 25 Love is in the air 26 Chapter 26 Dancing the night away!27 Chapter 27 The old creepy psychotic woman!28 Chapter 28 She says I was what A witch 29 Chapter 29 A glimpse of her past, why she was sent for adoption!30 Chapter 30 Now I know why I am different31 Chapter 31 I am pissed at my mate Victoria!32 Chapter 32 She can't reject me!33 Chapter 33 I don't need my protect me!34 Chapter 34 I don't want to die like this!35 Chapter 35 Feeling around at the wrong time!36 Chapter 36 I want to confess to Alexander, but he isn't even asking me to prom. Then how 37 Chapter 37 Daniel is going to propose to her 38 Chapter 38 Alexander's weird way of asking to prom, includes kidnapping 39 Chapter 39 It was okay when he flirted. Now he kissed my neck too 40 Chapter 40 Daniel proposed to me! What am I supposed to do 41 Chapter 41 Alexander's blissful kiss!42 Chapter 42 I involuntarily used my telepathic powers at Daniel! I am screwed!43 Chapter 43 My friends turned into wolves! Scared for life!44 Chapter 44 My own, personal Jacob!45 Chapter 45 Is Laila scheming something 46 Chapter 46 Has Victoria left me 47 Chapter 47 Transformation!48 Chapter 48 Her stunning entry!49 Chapter 49 Sweet photos!50 Chapter 50 Saving the damsel in distress!51 Chapter 51 Interrogation!52 Chapter 52 She is here for revenge!53 Chapter 53 He knew everything54 Chapter 54 The Sad Girl in the Picture!55 Chapter 55 His confession and Kisses56 Chapter 56 Not Easy to bully!57 Chapter 57 Someone wants to control her!58 Chapter 58 I love her like a freak!59 Chapter 59 His Lucrative Offer!60 Chapter 60 I feel calm with him!61 Chapter 61 It's about time I get down with Alexander62 Chapter 62 Celebrating Birthday and clearing misunderstandings!63 Chapter 63 The second step to mating!64 Chapter 64 My whole world crumbled in a minute!65 Chapter 65 I didn't betray him, I can't see her sad66 Chapter 66 Fighting for my love or fighting with my love 67 Chapter 67 Feeling pity for Robert!68 Chapter 68 The thing she was fearing!69 Chapter 69 Entering Laila's mind, finding the truth!70 Chapter 70 Who are you, and where is he 71 Chapter 71 Let's start with the interrogation!72 Chapter 72 Her Dark Side73 Chapter 73 The war has begun!74 Chapter 74 Robert is my childhood friend 75 Chapter 75 I am the one to be blamed!76 Chapter 76 Stop this, if you love me!77 Chapter 77 In the search of warmth78 Chapter 78 Healing Rosaline invited the legendary wolf79 Chapter 79 The spell of sacrifice!80 Chapter 80 He is feeding off Alexander!81 Chapter 81 Turn the sacrifice to me!82 Chapter 82 Where is Victoria 83 Chapter 83 Goodbye my loved ones84 Chapter 84 Looking for my love!85 Chapter 85 A not so happy ending!86 Chapter 86 Book-2 Chapter-1 Everything will fall back in its place!87 Chapter 87 Book-2 Chapter-2 Taking her out to an outing!88 Chapter 88 Book-2 Chapter-3 Cliff bring back some89 Chapter 89 Book-2 Chapter-4 Bumping into Victoria 90 Chapter 90 Book-2 Chapter-5 She is like her, but not her!91 Chapter 91 Book-2 Chapter-6 Are you brave or stupid 92 Chapter 92 Book-2 Chapter-7 She fainted93 Chapter 93 Book-2 Chapter-8 Her 94 Chapter 94 Book-2 Chapter-9 Delusional95 Chapter 95 Book-2 Chapter-10 Threatening the alpha into dance96 Chapter 96 Book-2 Chapter-11 Let's go back97 Chapter 97 Book-2 Chapter-12 That's what I was fearing98 Chapter 98 Book-2 Chapter-13 She was suffering alone!99 Chapter 99 Book-2 Chapter-14 She unleashed them!100 Chapter 100 Book-2 chapter-15 She belongs to me