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Taming Cinderella

Chapter 12 Reaffirmations

Word Count: 670    |    Released on: 18/03/2021


my phone out and call Joe,

eling much better now" he sounded all groggy

l I come over to your parents'?" I reply

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction2 Chapter 2 "Cinderella"3 Chapter 3 Joe4 Chapter 4 Bounded by Virtue5 Chapter 5 Dropping hints!6 Chapter 6 Interrogation7 Chapter 7 Dinner trap8 Chapter 8 Melodrama9 Chapter 9 Status Quo10 Chapter 10 Gold-digger11 Chapter 11 A lonely Christmas!12 Chapter 12 Reaffirmations13 Chapter 13 Anticipation14 Chapter 14 Manicures and happiness15 Chapter 15 "My fairy Godmother!"16 Chapter 16 Surprise Reveal17 Chapter 17 Technical Glitch18 Chapter 18 Showdown19 Chapter 19 Revelation20 Chapter 20 Dance with me21 Chapter 21 Foreplay with fire22 Chapter 22 One-night stand23 Chapter 23 Tied and tasted24 Chapter 24 Orgasms25 Chapter 25 Keep the change26 Chapter 26 James27 Chapter 27 Cruel Intentions28 Chapter 28 Monday Blues29 Chapter 29 Work it!30 Chapter 30 Fate!31 Chapter 31 Connecting the dots...32 Chapter 32 Bridget33 Chapter 33 Grand scheme of things34 Chapter 34 Conflict of Interest35 Chapter 35 Piece of my mind36 Chapter 36 Making of the mystery girl37 Chapter 37 Deception38 Chapter 38 Botox and more..!39 Chapter 39 Confused and bothered40 Chapter 40 Making hay while the sun shines!41 Chapter 41 Retrospective scheming42 Chapter 42 The Mask is off!43 Chapter 43 Murphy's law44 Chapter 44 Change of Mind45 Chapter 45 Double entendre46 Chapter 46 Communication is a two way street47 Chapter 47 Two can play this game48 Chapter 48 Knock Knock!49 Chapter 49 Uninvited50 Chapter 50 Smack that!51 Chapter 51 High and dry!52 Chapter 52 Monday moaning!53 Chapter 53 Sip and chill!54 Chapter 54 Drained55 Chapter 55 Bad surprise56 Chapter 56 Toast and spike!57 Chapter 57 Spike and strike!58 Chapter 58 Nasty Shock!59 Chapter 59 Negotiations60 Chapter 60 Listen before you speak61 Chapter 61 Time62 Chapter 62 Mr. Murphy strikes again63 Chapter 63 Concoction64 Chapter 64 Karma is a biatch!65 Chapter 65 Friend in need is a friend indeed66 Chapter 66 Roofied67 Chapter 67 Prenuptial Agreement68 Chapter 68 Tit for Tat69 Chapter 69 Haters gonna hate!70 Chapter 70 Ice it up!71 Chapter 71 Last minute requirement72 Chapter 72 Contract for Contract73 Chapter 73 Emotional Gamut74 Chapter 74 Perks of a Holt account!75 Chapter 75 Marriage Contract-Part 176 Chapter 76 Marriage Contract-Part 277 Chapter 77 Marriage Contract-Part 378 Chapter 78 Marriage Contract-Part 479 Chapter 79 Birthday Bash80 Chapter 80 Happy Birthday!81 Chapter 81 Drunken hazard82 Chapter 82 Past Hurdles83 Chapter 83 Unreasonable Demand84 Chapter 84 Unfair Dismissal85 Chapter 85 Flying Rage86 Chapter 86 Air-lifted87 Chapter 87 Light-headed88 Chapter 88 Chaperoned89 Chapter 89 "M I N E"90 Chapter 90 The Holt Hospitality91 Chapter 91 What next 92 Chapter 92 Dining delights93 Chapter 93 Breakfast and more94 Chapter 94 "White Lie"95 Chapter 95 Contract Negotiation96 Chapter 96 Ruthless Arsehole!97 Chapter 97 The Power98 Chapter 98 Meeting the mommy99 Chapter 99 Frills and Thrills100 Chapter 100 My Biatches!