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Gypsy Lover

Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 1205    |    Released on: 18/03/2021

necessary ingredients that she was going to use for baking and cooking to prepare for her employer’s birthday. She

ng his cart that was filled with groceries. She bumped into it and some canned goo

nian. He continued to profusely ask for her forgivene

eart thump so loud against her rib cag

own mind and turned toward the owner of that sexy baritone voice. It seemed that time and space

recognized he

k the things she was going to buy and walked away fast. She wanted to get a

firmly without turni

ing for you for y

When was it? Since she was gone? But why? Didn’t he understand why she went away? He should have known

nd blinked fast. She raised her chin becaus

here?” Even though she was a bit guilty,

back her arm and went

s shoes against the white tiled floor of the mall. She knew that h

for the goods. When she looked over her shoulder, she could see that he took in a deep breath and took some money

He calle

cab and got in quickly. She shook her head at the taxi driver when he

s,” he said in Romanian while

him,” was he

er. He obviously didn’t bel

then. Besides, he’s after us no

hung open and

at it was that brand and make of the car tha

river. “Could you lose him, please? I will p

at her again. He stepped harder on the acce

her. Could she really pay for the taxi? Why was he being so persistent? She was piss

send her to the address she’d given him. She paid him

t you go, miss.” The fa

f. She quickly took the keys from her winter coat and shoved one

t fast enough before he could even grab her. She ran toward the big house, and

h after their chase. After a few minutes, she then decided to peer from window. S

he just go away?” sh

re slumped. She swallowed hard and blinked away the tears that formed in her eyes. She had to stand

lready knew where she was. And should she get out of Nicoleta’s haven of a home? Her employer knew of her story with Harman. It wa

t it before you decided to do what

r memory. She went to the kitchen instead. She had to keep herself busy so that she wouldn’t think about Harman and

een them even though he was just nearby. Even i

the “ifs” started to

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