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Mr. Reid's Sweetheart

Chapter 3 Accompanying her

Word Count: 1624    |    Released on: 29/03/2021

idered as a smile, and said, “She is a bit spoiled one by her father’s love. But she is not bad. Anyway, than

“Boss, Miss Mills was angry with you when she didn’t see you. To calm her down, I said that you would take her to dinner tonight. Don’t be late

. He turned slowly to look back at him and met his dea

ou the permission to promise her

n didn’t give him the chance to speak, “Now that

, ple

ever I am busy. IS THAT CLEAR?” He interrupted him

took a few seconds for him to recollect himself, and he said frantically, “No I can’t. Pleas

hen he met her in the morning and didn’t want to encounter her agai

st punishment I can ever give you.” He took out a credit card from his wallet and threw it down on the table, saying, “Use this card

e credit card. He turned to leave, but he heard Aidan saying again, “And listen… I have an appointment with Miss Erica Barrett to

d one word in response and

restaurant from Aidan. His face contorted in annoyance. Shutting the

be here by now. It was half an hour’s distance from the office to this restaurant, but he stuck in t

ticing her smiling face, Charles heaved a sigh. It seemed that she was in a good m

expression froze. She frowned and aske

he sofa opposite her, “I am here to accompan

here is

receive her, and now, he personally arranged for dinner, but still, he didn’t come i

he will be here soon.” Charle

Charles and frowned even more deeply. He was still in his black pants and white shirt paired with a black blazer that she s

mself and asked, “What’s

ning. You could have changed them somewhere when you knew you we

dine with you. I am just giving company to you until Mr. Thompson comes. If y

ay something, but in the end, she just shrugged and muttered, “Whatever.” T

onversation. He also took out his

iguous male and female voices. After the strenuous lovemaking session, they laid on the bed flat, panting heavily. The w

ugh her silky blonde hair. The woman pouted and said coquettishly,

and got out of the bed. Showing his naked glory, he w

out of the washroom, wearing a towel. His physique was attractive with his broad, muscular chest,

ft and right. Hugging him, she rubbed her bare chest on his body and said in a low voice, “Ai

playing with fire. Now that you have igni

hardening deep inside her. She moaned loudly with pleasure. Who knew how long he took to stop his movement finally. He hugged Erica and said, “Don’t be jealous of her. You are the only woman I love. She wi

I am happy but I will be

ason very well. So don’t pester me for the marriage

orce you. I will

ed her lips passionately befor

Erica, he restrained his impulse. He glanced at Abigail from time to time who was busy chatting with her friends. Just then, he received a call from Ange

y when she heard him talking so sweetly on phone. ‘

body to hear him calling her ‘babe’.

y. I am mi


Or are you calling me to bring some gi

re?” Angelina couldn’t take it

babe. You are upset with me. I will

, “Anyway, I have cooked your favorite dish. C

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1 Chapter 1 The Boss’s order2 Chapter 2 Dropping her home3 Chapter 3 Accompanying her4 Chapter 4 Meeting with Mr. Reid5 Chapter 5 Aidan’s warning6 Chapter 6 Shopping spree7 Chapter 7 Her willful wish8 Chapter 8 The punishment9 Chapter 9 we are done10 Chapter 10 Her unreasonable demand11 Chapter 11 Did he fall in love with her 12 Chapter 12 Went to find him13 Chapter 13 Inviting her for dinner14 Chapter 14 Renewing the contract15 Chapter 15 The get-together party- 116 Chapter 16 The get-together party- 217 Chapter 17 Rescuing her18 Chapter 18 Suppressing the feelings19 Chapter 19 The disobedient woman20 Chapter 20 Change in Aidan21 Chapter 21 His call22 Chapter 22 The surprise23 Chapter 23 The leukemia24 Chapter 24 The call from Erica25 Chapter 25 The request26 Chapter 26 Meeting with Erica27 Chapter 27 Charity dinner28 Chapter 28 Lost control29 Chapter 29 His attitude of indifference 30 Chapter 30 Spying on Aidan31 Chapter 31 The cold-blooded murder32 Chapter 32 The grief33 Chapter 33 The conversation between father and son34 Chapter 34 The awkwardness35 Chapter 35 His wish is the command36 Chapter 36 Return to the Reid family mansion37 Chapter 37 Who is Xander Reid 38 Chapter 38 Seeking his meeting39 Chapter 39 Helping hand40 Chapter 40 Unexpected encounter- 141 Chapter 41 Unexpected encounter- 242 Chapter 42 The slap43 Chapter 43 Teasing her44 Chapter 44 The worry45 Chapter 45 The chance46 Chapter 46 The chit-chat47 Chapter 47 Aristo antique shop48 Chapter 48 Entangled emotions49 Chapter 49 The vacation: Part 150 Chapter 50 The vacation: Part- 251 Chapter 51 The piece of land52 Chapter 52 The remembrance53 Chapter 53 The sudden appearance of Aidan54 Chapter 54 The uncomfortable night55 Chapter 55 The jealousy56 Chapter 56 The offer57 Chapter 57 The ruckus at the party- 158 Chapter 58 The ruckus at the party- 259 Chapter 59 The marriage proposal60 Chapter 60 Questioning him61 Chapter 61 The heart attack62 Chapter 62 The investigation63 Chapter 63 Don’t underestimate your enemy64 Chapter 64 Taking his side65 Chapter 65 Her decision66 Chapter 66 Canceling the contract67 Chapter 67 Action against Aidan68 Chapter 68 The pain69 Chapter 69 Poisoned Xander70 Chapter 70 Bringing him back to country C71 Chapter 71 Showing her temper72 Chapter 72 His anger73 Chapter 73 The paternity test74 Chapter 74 The press conference75 Chapter 75 The secret part-1 76 Chapter 76 The secret part- 277 Chapter 77 His cold attitude78 Chapter 78 Her anxiety79 Chapter 79 Abigail’s first meeting with Owen Reid80 Chapter 80 Abigail’s haughtiness81 Chapter 81 The realization82 Chapter 82 Cooking for him83 Chapter 83 The loneliness84 Chapter 84 Encountering an unknown woman85 Chapter 85 The threat86 Chapter 86 The bitter past of Owen Reid87 Chapter 87 The shocking revelation88 Chapter 88 The bickering89 Chapter 89 Aidan’s vicious plan90 Chapter 90 Xander’s madness91 Chapter 91 The confession92 Chapter 92 The anxiety93 Chapter 93 The death certificate94 Chapter 94 Following Riley95 Chapter 95 Riley’s agony96 Chapter 96 Where is Sarah’s son 97 Chapter 97 A shocking revelation from Victor.98 Chapter 98 Stacy’s viciousness99 Chapter 99 Riley’s shocking revelation100 Chapter 100 The revelation about the hidden past.