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Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha's Treasure

Chapter 3 Zoey

Word Count: 2697    |    Released on: 29/03/2021


ice I knew too well s

ckled as I pulled up from the floor

ed the door open to see the wonderfu

s a gym for a reason you know?" She had a teasing glint


and I secretly rolled my eyes a

even doing her

om wasn't a morning person. So for her to b

heart. "My own son doesn't want me in the Alpha house an

know mom, and I'm glad you're here. I just don't belie

I knew it couldn't have been anything horrible since she ob

e you p

hter. I mean, it's not like it was impossible. She held onto m

That's not it. Fa

enough so she didn't assume I was being rude. Alpha

There's this

ged in frustrati

are you taun

me even more curious about what was happening. He had his signature smirk on his lip

s just so cute when he'

I wasn't complaining. My mom always treated me like a princ

r conversation. "Can someone please tell me wh

thought. But if something happened

I got a call from Luk

interested in whatever conversation he had with Alp

nd you, my son, have a special invitation" He told me, and my mind cou

xcited, and they both nodded wi

the first time today" He continued, but my mind wasn't focused. All

ly know if

as only 15, so my wolf wasn't actively living in me as yet, so I didn't know if she was my mate or not. But h

and shifted, the first thing I would've done was get a good whiff of h

o I could know if she was mine, but they suggested that I waited until sh

nt that she still haven't shifted, I was

re completely sure. I never actually knew the exact date of her birthday, but the fact

tually is

hatever work you have here. The drive to Brightwater territory is six

't coming?" I

. You're big enough

l that's not why I asked. "I just thought that sinc

ed, and I've already informed him that I won't be

ch maker from the first time they saw Zoey and I first encounter. Lu

you'll take if you won't travel alone,

gave me a curt nod as he

he doorways again where he retu

as I thought about the whol

the person to feel nervous, but this was killing me. I wanted the clock to mo

ed you guys to take over until I come back"> I said


, and I smiled at having such wonderf

emale made them think we were weak. Little do they know that Asia was more than capable and

trained to be just that, and he never failed his dad. Overall, we were a strong

uh?"> Jared asked after a while



funny? If she's actual

since I've been in the car, and my gr

No need to be pushing it" I gritted out, al

pack emergency. As an Alpha you should unders

the morning. You seemed

speak again. "You could've just went witho

shut up and don't piss me off any

g back against the seat. Deep down I understood why he made us lat

ide by side, we were never more than thirty minutes away. Uncle Aiden was the Alpha, but he gave the pack to Valero the sam

y, I knew he wouldn't have denied since for one, he knew how much finding my

're gonna kill a squ

be killing tonight if I miss that party."

d, making me know tha

ked again with a little


gh the trees. I knew I was close, but instead of

ute. I gently picked up the rose I got her, and ensured everything was off before I exited the

on in the back, but I spotted Luka sta

" He smiled as

sorry for bei

sage earlier tonight" I nodded once as he t

elcome to my pac

espite our age difference. Shortly after we walked through the house, where I saw Luna Victoria heading

he thought you weren't coming. They are singing to

he backdoor as my mind wond

coming?" I asked

he replied, never

I wasn't the only one with these feelings. Maybe she wanted me too. The wonderful scent in t

I recognized as the Gamma female asked once I steppe

And to think, I was only seeing her profile. My wolf go

loud enough for her to hear. She whipped around quickly at the

or put on a show, but I really couldn't have moved any faster on weak legs. She watched me expectan

se mesmerising eyes all day and night. I wanted to run my hands over those alluring smoot

ng they'll receive from yours truly. Her hair was still as luxurious as the first time I saw her, except now it was a little longer, and my fingers it

s my mate. I fr

from her. Neither of us even care about the hundreds of pack m

but nothing came out. I smiled sweetly

t I saw you four years ago" I told h

wer, and the most beautiful smile I had ev

d, her smile never falteri

nished for her, as sh

sweetest voice, and I knew r

ed up the knife and held her hand und

do more than just hold her hand, and the almost inaudible moan that I

it down until it hit the bottom. It was then that I heard a series of cheers er

for another birthday for Zoey, since it wasn

de the bold move by wrapping my arms around

nuine smile. I pulled her even closer so she could

ys make you ha

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