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Between Them

Between Them


Chapter 1 Andrew & Ethan

Word Count: 1225    |    Released on: 14/04/2021

from. I love my guys, I was loving their attention. I could neve

t day. That was up until our last week together, it was the week before

sexy week to satisfy our needs and to let go

week before we're separated from each

moan. His hand travels down to my clit, then his mouth follows the trail and goes do

than joins him and I was s

please..." I've got Ethan b

my ass harder while biting on my shoulder. He backed away and start to slap my ass ch

harder...come with me, come together with me, no

each other. Ethan slowly pulled out from behind me, discarding the condom and Andrew followed moments

d puts it down on the bedside table. I was still drinking mine when Andrew

y leaving me hanging wanting for more. The

le him. At the same time, he pulled Ethan's neck then starts kissing him vi

wet just from seeing t

re," Ethan said while he

Andrew sucks your cock?" I whispered and start licking A

early hear him moaning, making me giggle as I start to go behind Andrew and placed my palm on his dick. I couldn't circle i

Ethan smirked as he was looking at me the


sucking him off, then he throws me the lube.

agged when Ethan pushed his

you to sit on my face as I eat

tion. I took the lube and put it generously on Andrew's cock and sta

s hips and climaxes hard on my hand. I quickly milked him, then licked him clean. He was whimpering when I teased and licked his tip, but then he p

aks. "On my face Claire... now baby. I want to suck your bare pussy dry. Andrew, my cock plea

d licking Ethan's tip. He was looking at me, his eye


then pulled me in closer and latched his mouth to my folds. He was sucking it and putting his tongue

balance myself while Ethan kept on pleasu

harder...mmhh! I'm coming. Andrew! suck him harder, make him come

were still limp from the sheer pleasure. I got off of him and lay


ooned me, while Ethan slowly go

don't you both start the shower and I'll join y

hes from my face, making me moaned. Seconds later he nudged me to Andrew, making my body entwined to his as E

e shower, and wait for me there. Take her closer and closer to the edge, but don't let her come. I want her t

rrived." He slaps my ass playfully and put on

bbed me and put me on his shoulder

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