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Babysitter for the CEO

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 634    |    Released on: 01/05/2021

ut in desperation, but Van

d let the nurses help h

rected, and they took her to the pl

sure that it's here," V

anessa? An empty recovery room? You

ike... that person is dear to me and

You believe in superstitions too? Vanessa!" Evelyn couldn

ne dying. He needed my help. I've got to find h

he needs to rest" Evelyn said, and t

ied and tried to get off the wheelchair

so need to settle our misunderstandings."said E

erson. He's in this hospital" Vanessa cried again but Evelyn wouldn't hear a

n, a redhead lady dressed in a bla

lady that just ran past us, "Vanes

e imaginary person you desired to see and now want

friend. Take her back to

aid, and continued pushi

room they had come out from earlier, Va

ed and asked

you o

hat lady now or I will go af

commanded. She was getting f

ying and I want to save him," Vanessa

elyn said as the nurse pushed her inside the room. Va

take me there now

k her head


ther V

g to resuscitate her. The BP monitor has been giving alarms and the doctors dare

who is currently listening to opera musi

along with the song. If one sees him, one would no

r ever seen on Earth. This girl was his offspring, but he doesn't even care

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