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Daddy Lucifer

Chapter 2 Devil of Bevon

Word Count: 2139    |    Released on: 19/05/2021


slow strides down the hallways of Vandeer State Highschool, the pair


h those sour faces and bitter, hateful ey

me as though I were plagued with a contagious disease. I hated it -being feared

s daughter and e

léz. The Im

-"how does it feel to be the daughter of one of the most dangerous me

ything but proud of my father's actions or the

the Cold War; heavy censorship of media, voting has reverted to nothing but a delusion, and opposition or anyone who dares to attempt the slightest at toppling his government -which is not recognized by the appropriate global peace or

n fear, under debilitating conditions because of me, their parents, relatives are jobless, imprisoned, missing and pr

wish even in their worst nig

I'll be forced to endure those repulse

hioned chair reserved just for me, a couple of rolling eyes were thrown

ss) Mrs Jenmuk addressed the class in h

The addresses dragged

t and ridiculing me as much as her status permitted. If it wasn't for the ever impending threat of my father catching hold of her maltreatment of m

than that unnatural mole protruding from her chin, nothing disturbs my soul more than her terrible fa

arn about the political history of Bervon.... about," her glaring eyes landed on me, the little witch on her chin seemi

ld you tell the class who the first democrat

wanting to give her the satisfaction of se

ther," she mumbled just loud enough for my ears to grasp on, "anyways moving on, i want you to p

s morning ge

Sometimes i don't even know why I bother, I'm not welcomed here -i should've just asked my father to be home-schooled like my mother had advised -b

sat with their friends so they can gossip while pretending to be interested in fac

ut a partner. St

n unfortunate, poor soul to be my partner. One boy sat alone at a corner, too engrossed with

erated horror stares every person who was unwill

Forest witch spoke curtly, pressing her thin l

." Every single pair of eyes wa

to my direction, I faced my desk, staring at it like it's the most interesting piece of

request. I knew it, Jonayis knew

soon as his ass greets the wooden chair. Rumour has it I am a demon and my lovely ( note the sarcasm)

at's just base

he didn't look terrified of me, until that is, the class


staying awake. Has despised me ever sin

urteous, kind child

he newd croaked in the ugliest voice ever, as lo

e Queen of VSH held up a sturdy, wrinkled hand a

," Mrs Jenmuk announced and the once amused students

anything but me. I detained my words as well and flipped through the textbook when not scro

tiniest peek at me and I decided to smile sweet

I whispered, relieved I managed to g

s, "my name is Jonayis by the way... I really shouldn't be talking to you, should I?" I appre

e the rumours

one knows who you are," he interru

ep the chit-chat on a minimum and erase any hopes of him potent

, which is as luxurious as a school dinning hall can be,

s on my favourite novel and managed to find myself immersed in the

Sin. My gui

ale protagonist

ed pleasure with Tarlia, the woman I secretly aspire to be, th

n will touch

me writhing in pleasure, moan

past me and before I knew it, there he was a

st thing to ever happen

t himself to me- out

get my ow

efore he could skim over the nearly nude man an

e my social skills from the grave. "Do you need someth

ver been interested in conversing with m

built nicely for a boy his age. His eyes seem inclined

d be bold enoug

ate the sentence. "I hope you don't mind me sitting here...." He scratched a

grinned widely, avoiding the harr

er? To the school trash?" One of

agnetize bullies, but I used to be a staple feed for bullies g

t or lay a finger on me, knows they'll be condemned to

ow?" The cute boy stammered, his creamy voice wavering. "There's this cool cafe we could go to

n, I don't have plans, the cafe idea actually sounds-" before I could even finish

met Varto, my se

nessa." His stern eyes were more than enough of a warni

Varto?" I batted my eyes, throwing in

last stare befor

hould go

rist as he stood up to leave,

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