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The Benefactor


Word Count: 944    |    Released on: 26/05/2021



e nightgown, her hair running loose with eyes blurry as hell. She tried to pull he

t feel h

s about to open her mouth and shout for he

, how are y

esn't sound the same. “Where am I? My v

ten? You accepted the game. Would yo

“I'd like to go back—no

b as a trusted Ai. If the host wishes to lea

ged herself. Lost and full of

ng the host is currently in. Hailey had experience scarcity in every way when she was young. Now that she is old enough, she ventured to make a name of he

n is outgoing and loves to travel the world. Because of being disabled, she needed to hire a secretary just for signing papers and pushing her wheelchair. Queenie does not

oser to the nightstand. Feeling up the glossy wood, her hand caught a grip of something hard. It was box. After pi

but nothing suspicious can be seen infront of her. Jana nodded

will continue to expand. The male lead fell for the protagonist's great skill in cooking. Later on, Queenie will realize how imp

e can stand Queenie like Gio does. Queenie tried to apologize but then Hailey held Gio

everybody out. With her frustration, she decided

he protagonist fought with the male lead and reasoned for all that she could. It's not his fault, that Gio is a human too. He needed love, and love is where Hailey is.

e. Not the same title, but the struggles were equal. Jan

can save lives, host.” After the gentle laugh, the Ai said

second before she bli

fan of happ

e protagonist's from falling in love.” Vivien si

She ran a critical eye to every clause and noti

e went back to reality. She's basically immortal inside the

ition looks good, she can still feel the pain of being murdered or anything related to sickness.

he reality. Once she passes all these then she'd be able to

settling low in her gut is a feeling where

at doom is

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