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The Possessive Choice Mate

Chapter 3 What have I done

Word Count: 1041    |    Released on: 14/06/2021


ave my territory alive.” I ordered. There been so much rogues re

end Mario. He turns out to be power crazy and wanted to be the Alpha o

rs old sister. I didn’t expect that one of the rogues who follows him is my mate. I didn’t expect t

me back to start a war again. That time, I make sure tha

de Angel.’

. I save her from another rogue who wants to rape and kill her. I look a

l.’ I said to St

? She visited me from time to time but I wonder what she’s doing now. She’s not visiting for almost a month. I called Gabriel but he t

hem. There’s a two

in our p

hem.” I

t there’s

Kayden. You kn

ha.” Kay

unishments when it comes to rogues, bu

He is worried that Angel might found out about this. I told everyone to not let her know w

l unders

of you. I don’t want my little Slade Angel to get m

hor in life for two years. She’s been our little sister that needed to b

pe she’s not stressi

s is listening, Slade Ang

hell?” I

by her sudd

our face Mark!”

? Why are you

l that rogues who enters in Wolf Fang territory a death? W

power but I t

ve to worry about it. You have so

ew life. You don’t even spare them your time or ask them

erent from t

know that.

o fight about this. Let

plan how to capture and torture those rogues. Wake-up Mark. I thought we talk about this three years ago when you finally killed Mario. It

ngel is crying for me. She’s sad that I’m still

my anger release to those rogues. She’s right. No one can bring them back.

new mate more on a choice mate?

After she said that she vanishes in the air.

t want to cause more trouble. The last time I used t

talking about Ma

who told her what’s happening here but I know too that she’s right. It took me a wh

or a while. She’s a stubborn one and when she gets

e listed to her. I’m sorry Meli

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