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iGhost You

iGhost You


Chapter 1 First Chapter

Word Count: 1292    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

ttering as they walked by and I just tapped my feet on the ground relentlessly. It felt like it was just the perfect morning for a teenager for a teenage girl like me but it really wasn't

o get a hold of her. I giggled softly as I watch the two go on and on about the milk issue, it happened every morning between both of them but the husband seems patient that is why he had not been able to run away from his pregnant wife's madness. I soon got tired of watching when I felt a slight pain in my head, I gently rubbed my head with my hand like I was massaging it. I had been feeling the pain ever since I woke up that morning but I thought it would go in no time. I adjusted my glasses, looked at my wrist watch and noticed I was really getting late for school "oh no....come on Max" I whispered to myself as I bit down on my lower lip. Shortly after, my brother walked out of the house, looking cute and macho in his tight jeans; which didn't really look that good on him, his hair was dark and shinny, he sure must have spent hours on it to make it look so good. Despite looking good, it somehow irritated me. Everything about Max irritated me. Ughh!!! He smirked as he walks closer to me with his backpack over his shoulder. I slightly shook my head and raised my brow as the sight of seeing my brother walking majestically like we still had enough time to make it to school. "Enjoying the morning show?" Max asked hopping to annoy me a little more. He was good at making fun of me and frustrating me. He really didn't care that we were siblings or twins. "You know...I've been wondering who the lady is between us because I get to finish before you and even wait for years before you come out of the house" I said raising my brow sternly at him. "Wait...what?" Max placed his right hand behind his ear pretend not to hear what I just said "what did you say? So you still think you're a girl?" He scoffed "dear sister when last did you even used the mirror? 'Cos if you have been using it, you would know exactly what you look like right now" I looked at myself and wished I could really see my face at that moment. Did I really look that bad? I narrowed my eyes at him and wish I coul

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