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Tolerating The Playboy

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1649    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

treat two questions on Matrix because the whol

straight to the cafeteria and met Maya engro

atched her phone and I could swear that I would have rec

dragged her phone from my hands. I chuckled a

he asked as she tucked h

a textbook he needed-" she cut me off

didn't I?" She said and I couldn't st

e me out for shopping, she had a rich stepdad who she really liked a

ger and my Dad hasn't gotten over the trauma yet so it lead him to being a

on myself the role of a mother taking

taste like my mother's food..yuck!" Maya complained a

ld visit her family I would give Grace

ttles of coke even though it was against the school rul

tummy made an awful noise, I hadn't eaten an

ria and I wondered what they were up

bite on her pizza till he walked to an empty seat and made himself comf

to sit on that table sinc

er with Zach and decided to tell

w the footbal

plied telling

class today

you" she said getting read

lming her down when I noticed

nd narrated how a girl tried

he said while joltin

thank him?

dare to speak to one of these famous guy

ished the slice of pizza I had with

and made my way to

ept on chatting about a topic they were all inte

here and I could already feel

d but my voice c

iately they noticed me and I started to wonder

rom my head to toe. I knew I hadn't dressed well and my hair was messy, my face was p

nt that my mouth turned heavy an

l walked over to the table and stood close

mous cheerleader, also

a pretty face that she uses to oppress everyone. Everyone had talked a

e it was Aurora Brooks. Silly of me to think today would be

ou get it from, the trash?" She said

nto laughter and I had ne

interested in whatever I had to say as a smirk

eks. Maya wasn't in the cafeteria at the moment everything happened, she left earlier w

s out, I checked my reflection in the mirror

ugly low budget Shrek that only

gave it to me on the day she was dying and I vowed to keep it and pass

or just 5 minutes" Maya yelled immediately s

d but she noticed immediately a

n it wasn't Zach that humiliated

she gave me a glaring look before she dragged my ha


r school job instead. I was lucky to have found a good paying job that p

heer you up" Maya said as we

I replied with lack of energy feeling

es car. Zach and his crew came out of the building immediately we drove away from the p

l wasn't far to the mall and we go

I said as I got

orrow morning" she said and zoomed off

rities and rich kids would come here shopping for expensive jewelry and i had found out of the job

wer customers but I was secretly glad because I

boy walked in. His face was familiar and I was sure I knew him from a place, my

rance and perfectly styled hair that was gelled on his hair, his sharp

iled at me. He seemed to have recognized me from what

of silver earrings that was by the side of the s

appened earlier today" he said and walked out of the

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