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The Rebel

Chapter 6 Games

Word Count: 1665    |    Released on: 16/06/2021

Logan po


e a spark that light

ds ente


e lioness called me if o

n that,this curse n

cult one to control

will learn,I will

e all her life. Maybe she

a ,the highest female figure in th

wer her head to me atl

ales she had that fire in her,t

le A

If she can even survive a mo

wer hungry Al

kill her ,to hurt

lised her mistake,she wil


shake my head and c

ion in the council come

to work d

rrupted when one

the best in the co

ve given him , fa

I bring the informa

ng him to take a se

n his forehead, start

ir to open.You hold the maximum credits in the council till now but we can't forge

n this time and the King will use all tact

never hated a man more t

I will die before I let him pla

and I couldn't do anyt

to get revenge on e

stolen by him by a coup and I will ge

tful po

ation on hi

s his head, moving

Alpha.No one knows anything abou

pawn , I can u

il that asshole , like

how it feels to l

out her? Her name?

eyes like her mother , pale skin and

day she was lost or as some sa

. I need to know more

hich gender. Her marking ceremony was conducted before she was kidnapped, I supp

it bette

re torture but every royal

I bea

se wolves have foll

ot ,make arrangements to kidnap his son then. No

s, and

me to

ugh my hair frustr

ck and the idea of seeing my mate


citement of seeing th


r tattered clothes doing nothing

o only taste blood,maki

ckles on her wrists and ankle

your best interest if you don

rior says,standin

t,he stares at the 15 ye

country's king. Trying to harm him

m, looking up wi

ming my mother? Wasn't

miles. Knowing she has managed to make

King's actions. We have

, moving her

dogs who follow his orders. Some p

owing it's no use

he had for her father,

n L

bows to the King. He leaves them alone

born ,her burning eyes refus

s seated in front of he

Zara? Is it how much you have

answer , j

ey open her shackles, makin

lf,she holds

ace is not for you. But you have to

e looks at him

ed your food. You don't deserve to live after what

is head in dissapointement

e this,I am afraid Zara no man

be obedient and car

ch you the basics,now it'

have had the same fate as her. Killed by her ow

n't be repeating this again a

etting up on h

ead high and

rself. And you know it! St

ned? If all mate's are like you? I

leave,sighing and running

u learn to respect men,you will not be allowe

e door as she stared a

ced next to her, she runs her


bitch! Where i

er ,as the guards

legs,they were trying

t bastard is! Go find h

stomach, making he

lips as she bit hard

on princess? Fine. Why

to her and ordering th

on the floor as sh

y,he makes her tilt her

you refuse

run down her neck,his ey

ur beautiful skin. Reminding y

guard,she saw a whip b

a caught in her thr

ur best

on the whip tore open her skin and her

g,she waited for the sec


a scream to break thr

sweat running

lf in the comfort of my ro

ever leave,no matt

he sweat on my forehead and

y eyes when a voice

. Hope you

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1 Chapter 1 The world order2 Chapter 2 Rogue3 Chapter 3 The Alpha4 Chapter 4 The day they met5 Chapter 5 Defiance6 Chapter 6 Games7 Chapter 7 His mysteries8 Chapter 8 Her strength9 Chapter 9 Where is he 10 Chapter 10 The attack11 Chapter 11 Saving her12 Chapter 12 The hidden 13 Chapter 13 So close14 Chapter 14 The heat15 Chapter 15 The captive16 Chapter 16 Deception17 Chapter 17 Marking18 Chapter 18 The fight19 Chapter 19 A goodbye 20 Chapter 20 Saravera21 Chapter 21 The King22 Chapter 22 The end to a beginning23 Chapter 23 Pain of regrets24 Chapter 24 The menace25 Chapter 25 Alpha Kane26 Chapter 26 Accepted or rejected 27 Chapter 27 The rogue Villain28 Chapter 28 The rise of rebel29 Chapter 29 The chase30 Chapter 30 They meet again31 Chapter 31 His what 32 Chapter 32 Jealousy33 Chapter 33 Faded34 Chapter 34 The decision35 Chapter 35 The party 136 Chapter 36 The party 237 Chapter 37 His real face38 Chapter 38 The drunken desire39 Chapter 39 The lies40 Chapter 40 The lies 241 Chapter 41 Unveiled 142 Chapter 42 Unveiled 243 Chapter 43 The courtroom 144 Chapter 44 The courtroom 245 Chapter 45 Slumber46 Chapter 46 The consummation47 Chapter 47 The plan48 Chapter 48 The d day49 Chapter 49 The punishment50 Chapter 50 The strength51 Chapter 51 The awakening 152 Chapter 52 The awakening 253 Chapter 53 The fight54 Chapter 54 The massacre55 Chapter 55 Anara56 Chapter 56 Betrayed or saved 57 Chapter 57 Betrayed or saved 258 Chapter 58 The rebellion59 Chapter 59 The End( part 1)60 Chapter 60 The End( part 2)61 Chapter 61 The End(Final)62 Chapter 62 Epilogue63 Chapter 63 Epilogue ( Final)