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Chapter 5 NEW DAY

Word Count: 707    |    Released on: 18/06/2021

s much as I do. I love you too Missy. how about wake and bake before everyone gets up. okay, what do you have other than mellow Jamie? I have apple jacks. okay, let’s try it. I rolled the joint a

nd Jake. Their brother and sister are cool. They are both stoners and funny. JAMIE WHAT’S UP BUDDY!!! hey, Jasmine, nothing much. This must be the famous Missy hello I’m jasmine. Hi Jasmine, nice to meet you. Jamie told me a lot about you and your brother. I hope for good things? yeah, all good where’s your brother I would like to meet him? Jake is somewhere around here high lol let me go get him right back. Jamie guessed what Dumbo did. What is he doing this time? Dumbo lost a whole blunt of pineapple Kush. jay mane you crazy that is the best shit and you lost a whole brunt of it? I know many don’t judge me. Hello, you must be Missy nice to finally meet you, I'm Jake. lol nice to meet you too Jake. Jamie told me a lot about you too. I hope good things lol I would share my blunt but it’s missing in action. lol, I see I can help you look for it. thanks, Missy since these two are rude lol. hey, watch it Jake that is all mine you talking to lol. Jamie, I kn

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