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You Used to Be My World

Chapter 5 : The Preset Trap

Word Count: 987    |    Released on: 21/06/2021

ader: P

at Charlie Jiang w

ove and directly pinch Mandy’s chin. His finger

ence. You have to sign the divorce agr

es Mandy to frown, but her eyes are still fu

ou, such a brutal and cold-blooded trash. I should h

meone; and how much

harlie before, and how

face, “Mandy, did you really believe that somethin

s voice dies away. After a while, sh

“Rejected IPO was a sheer fake. If not, your cunning fathe

andal in consideration of their old affection, but soon Jiang

to send betrothal gifts to her. And his intention is very c

she agrees to marry Cha

ing to get married, and Hayes Song almost gives th

. At that time, the dowry of Song’s family not only succeeds in saving Jiang’s

lls her that all th

ted IPO is false, and it is also false that he wants to marry her, which

time seems extremely

ppet without the soul, sitting f

ge comes from Charlie’s heart. However, the

ared with the great pleasure t

eement” beside him and puts it in Mandy’s arms. “I have a hundred ways to let you sign it, but afte

n she can discern the face of Charlie. That face is not different from

es the document in the a

you sign it earlier.”

ding it, finds the signature and quickly signs her name on it. After

him again, she will suffer from the pain o

assured that there is no difference between your home and this house. The nanny will come h

? Can you give it t

ghing, “Mandy, do you really consider yourself as my wife? If I’m wi

ent day by day. Physical pain is nothing at all, and mental suffering is the most

andy still keep cold face and says,

e doesn’t care about what she says at all. “Today you can adapt yourse

around and leaves the room with

mancy on Mandy’s face completely collapses. She sin

back. Mandy knows from TV that he is

She almost loses all contact with the outside world except the TV. The

ll trust before takes precautio

orld all of a sudden. She can’t

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1 Chapter 1 : Tear Your Heart Out2 Chapter 2 : Blood-Red Datura3 Chapter 3 : Completely Destroy You4 Chapter 4 : His Prisoner5 Chapter 5 : The Preset Trap6 Chapter 6 : Everything Concerning Her7 Chapter 7 : Inferior to a Dog on the Roadside8 Chapter 8 : The Rope Strapping Him9 Chapter 9 : The Death Day of Vivi10 Chapter 10 : Sink into the Deep Sea11 Chapter 11 : Her Thousand Kinds of Look12 Chapter 12 : I Will Curse You13 Chapter 13 : You Are Not Able to Die A Natural Death14 Chapter 14 : Retribution for Sin15 Chapter 15 : You Fail Me First16 Chapter 16 : He Is Just Like Jing Ke17 Chapter 17 : I Want a Child18 Chapter 18 : He Is the Only One who Doesn’t Deserve It19 Chapter 19 : Good People haven’t A Long Life20 Chapter 20 : It Is His Turn to Be Damned21 Chapter 21 : I Treat You as the Dog Who Bites Me22 Chapter 22 : You Are Not Entitled to Do That23 Chapter 23 : Someone Looked up to You24 Chapter 24 : A life That Sinks Into the Worst Situation25 Chapter 25 : That Is My Retribution26 Chapter 26 : Because I Love the Wrong Man27 Chapter 27 : It Is His Territory28 Chapter 28 : I Wouldn’t Like to Know You29 Chapter 29 : That’s His Child30 Chapter 30 : The Past That Can’t Be Returned31 Chapter 31 : He Is just an Accident32 Chapter 32 : The Unbearable Pain33 Chapter 33 : It Has the Blood of Sin34 Chapter 34 : Everything Can’t Come Back35 Chapter 35 : The Truth36 Chapter 36 : The Earthshaking Life37 Chapter 37 : His World Is Lighted Up38 Chapter 38 : You Used to Be My World (The End)