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BLSC #1: The Undercover Model

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 933    |    Released on: 17/07/2021


ed Oliver, my photographer for today. I walked to t

r the last hour" Vivian my ma

ssed calls an

ed it up right away.. It was a bad

ursted and I put my p

tside th


hing to do with my parents" I said

you to

ed, I shot a commercial this morning and then a photo s


dy tomorrow


you have somethin


.m at the Rooftop cafe"

it?" Viv

erk at

vian said and

She looked at me wi

is over

. She put my things in the car first and I quickly dressed as

alked to the cafe. I saw Andrew alrea

long? It's 4.43" I sa

d to the seat a

s, did you bring yours?

looked at me weirdly, why is

," He sudd

lied, I'm on die

ng alone," He said

id coldly, he called the waitress and s

do you need

ate" What? That

o you still need a tutor?" I as

ed to find my weakness and aske

y th

that" Unb

d know about this?"

my girlfr

't understand. He's really smart and he easily understands the words that I'm

more time with him a. He's not that bad.. His attitude in school is just arrogant because he

s hell. I only ordered watermelon juice with no sugar in it and it's damn g

h we

op you home?" He aske


e no as an a

o somewhere

et me take you th

can walk there" I don't want

as my childhood friend and he knows tha

, how are


Logan my childhood friend" I introduced them because it's

have something to

all you to h

smiled and w

nds at school?" I turned to him

have frie

esterday and today you ha

ing about it? It's my life, go concern yourself abou

thing, I really prefer this than talking with hi

d and walked aw

imes until I decided to take a taxi home. Man.. Tomorrow will be plain like yesterday.. My schoo

hschool life woul

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