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BLSC #7: A Night To Remember

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

r Por

rs la

ursted at my sec

peated and I looked at t

and made me re-do it again. I had enough" I said leaving my work and wal

d to myself and tried to calm myself up.

the lift and leaned back. I have a lot of stress these days because of work. I hav

couples were getting marrie

y luck

alet chauffeur. I needed a drive so bad, my work was p

es my mood rise up immediately. I went for a drive and it's been awhile since

eat when suddenly the car behind me crash my car. My hea

or. I walked out from the car and my head wa

was so intimidating and he looked at me like he's going to kill me or some

s just

o with this?" I asked an

e brake suddenly" He sai

ed me?" I asked and started to get pissed. I

was making thi

bulky ugly man" I hissed a

t?" He bursted crazily and the police came in time.

e, you can ch

m down. What's

" I said still g

bout y

ed" He

he story and the old bulky man told his. He's completely mak

" I said to the pol

bulky man's face paled. The policeman

lie?" I as

my wife's in the hospital now"

his message with his son. I gasped seeing the text. His wife will have her ri

became more and more. He was flustered earlier an

e side and my eyes widen to see Christian st


urant when I saw my fiance's car" Chris sai

" The bulk

me send my wife to have her surgery first" The bul

here and you

" Christian hel

xplain you later" I pulled hi

e policeman ran to him and I held them. I told them the

m go?" Chris asked

ng to be my fiance? What the hell!

aurant. So I knew what ha

my business" I said and I planned to talk

u?" The pol

e's m

my data to proceed with the case. After that I need to wait for the oldman to come back. I

hat night.. that w

asked starting the conversation but I real

iness" I said coldly to him but he

t?" He asked, smirking but he's face was not facing

e talking nonsense

ill pretend not to

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