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BLSC #10: His Bid on Her

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 31/07/2021


n the table that was already prepared for us. We came

we have to come to this event. There's a lot of businessmen th

in bidding?" Mat

nda event. I put all my attention on my phone. Check

cursed beside me , I'm to

ey're all sta

ne again. She's so beautiful with her long blonde hair , her short red dress that hugged her perfectly , her m

u. Is this some kind of fate?" My twin said and my eyes stuck to her. She looked so b

se introduce yourself" The MC said an

that for me.. for my e

bout her. I miss her.. as simple as that. I miss her so much until I can't endure it anymo

s to walk to her an

Payton. I'm 22 years old" She sai

and Gentlemen , we'll start the bi

the direction where the man bidded on Irene. I'm ready to

My heart was

en said and I kept looking


, you have to get


" Joan bursted angrily from my back but I kept calm

000$.. 500

" Cail

e your bidding number

Ms. Payton can you give them a lo

ave a special ability that I can show"

e can sing. Her voice is

, how about you shoul

or my ears only.

rned colder than before. She's mine and no one will take her away from me as long as I'm

rom 20.000$

0$.. 40.000$.. 5

her.. Ms. Payton passed the

rn!" Archer said

!" Joan w



ng once.. go

sing my bidding number ,

ld to the bidder number 42" Her eyes landed on mine as she real

ed confused from her behavior. I'm starting to get impatien

he asked looking at me c

testing me Irene? I knew you too we

idding number and said t

you can go down and have a great time Ms. Payton

her and this is torture. She walked to me with those

n she stopped in front of me. Damn it! She still looks so brea

on me for 300.000$" She s

ook her wrist and pulled her out from the ball

She stated pulling h

little one , I have billio

n a really serious tone and

lone after all this time?" I bur

et's a a peaceful lif

t let you out of my sight agai

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