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TLS #1: Taming The Bad Boy

TLS #1: Taming The Bad Boy


Chapter 1Ā 1

Word Count: 1168 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 16/07/2021

rly M

pick 'Love someone' or

a lot of effort to get that person's attention. You will get hurt a lot along the way

cton is a complete opposite of me. He's a smart ass , handsome , basketball player and lastly a playboy. He neve

t for me. It's almost 3 years since I'm a senior now. I still have

me. All he did was humilliated me in public and called me ugly,

no one ever loved me. People were too busy ju

jacket and smiled sweetly. He looked at me

followed him and

ly and walked away. I looked at the

like crap when I went to school because when I was a freshman, my skin broke out really badly. I had to stop

s. I'm stupid and that's so right because I don't have a good grades no matter how hard I try to study. I'm a beggar be

from your outer appearance a

res in America. Since I'm the last child and my grandparents love me so much. They wanted to raise

inary. They teached me to manage money and just basic things. I'm glad

, my one and only best fri


g at that jacket st

it away from me. She walked to the

nd she looked a

nd bruised. Why do you still like this guy?" She bursted out and threw the jacket

the back while I sat at the front. I had no choice, I sucked a

d after highschool's done. I'm going to

sed us but they got a big glare from Ethan right away. I turned to Ethan and he a

t. I walked to Mr. Qonto's desk and he gestured to Ethan to come to

Math right Kimberly?" Mr. Qo

than said immediately and

" I asked i

onto turned to him a

utor you for Math

ogy? Sir you'r

ce you're one of the top 5 here in school so we trust you to tutor her." M

w learner. Who would want to tutor her?" Ethan sai

uel," I said and Manuel was the 1st

reparing for their science co

rce him. We can find someone else

e s

her or you will be cut from the bask

captain. You can

Suddenly coac

Ethan sai

r Ethan"

lease" I begged. Mr. Qonto

han asked and

." Mr. Qo

ths?" Ethan as

you so if you dare not to tutor her. I'll cut yo

Qonto took his book and marker and he w

th Ethan an

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