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Beautiful Revenge

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1036    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

n R

of people looking at the newest sports car this year. Instead o

ck." My secretary said because I asked her to help me find that woman. I gestured to

cket and black jeans. She was holding her helmet as she talked to one

t on her helmet and she started to ride the bike around the racing track. I was a

elmet and gave it back to the salesman. She got off from the moto

s going to greet me or walk over to me but I was wrong. She walked towards a n

ething today?" I ask

ed as she crossed her ar

to look around." I said

squealed. I was surprised that she c

u here, Wilson." She sa

I knew that you would be here." Wilso

, this is my friend, Wilson." Bella in

eet you."

mself to check other cars. I found Bella smilin

have dinner to

d your answer for my ques

ther, besides I think the answer wi

y we

15% of your stock." I s

." She said as she fixed my tie. Her eyes landed on mine and she sm

ince you already reject it, I won't offer it

ething from me. If she said her company will double in 3 years,

ut I grabbed her body by her waist. She flinched a

ow you want something."

come a little bit greedy." She said and then she gripped my hand tightly

I was pissed because she successfully stomped me down. I took my phone out and calle

a Mo

you do?" W

swered as I sat

I don't think it will be

to play with h

ease don't get hurt in the process. I rather have you just k

nts. I won't let him die easily, he needs to experience the pain fi

't know a thing about thi

is life like h

don't think it will be a good idea, Alan is qu

ves because he wants more than

had sex

s still a cold-blooded man that needs a wom

a, pl

ut of this." I said and then I walked back inside. I'm done w

around?" He will neve

collection." I said truthf

ts car, I was wondering if you


you, I have a ga

y we

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