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One Night With Blaze

One Night With Blaze

Author: R.C.Brie15

Chapter 1 nICE Prince

Word Count: 1553    |    Released on: 24/06/2021

dical faculty main building, wearing the usual official school uniform but his distinct elegance is

tion from everyone around as they diligently watched the every sway of his body as he walks, the moment his prominently long and thick lashes touches his p

cket while he casually walks un

sten under the sun, making him look like

eemed to gasp when he squinted from the bright light of the sun, making him wear

styled which compliments his very ne

gem around his wrist everytime

… so unconcerned of the curious a

f everyone is eager to get close to him, even if every girl and even boys wanted to confess their admiratio

a casual talk, or to even just smile at him, but his cold gaze

nd pleasant he could be to the people around him but his unspoken words and his obvious c

to fear him. He hasn't done anything violent towards anyone that could

his world would just revolve around his books, his busy class schedule, his school work, his hospital case studies, his very s

ome, and an heir of a business tycoon whose insane rich

with him" one of the girls whispered while th

that perfect..." the other

hip the ground tha

he is too precious...

ery flawless like a very precious

t anyone of us, we are just commoners" one girl sp

he university. Everyone would really tak

ked his car until he could enter the building of his class, everyone would secretly watch

t he entered the classroom while their other classmates b

family's empire. He is known for his beauty and perfection but no one c

e greeted back with his

tes who hurriedly settled on their respective chai

it greeted when he ent

with the same calculated smile he g

ok out his book and notes to read which wa

feel guilty just by simply looking at Blaze reading his book. An heir to an empire, d

Most of the time he is glued with his books and notes while his other classmates would prefe

even read the entire book which is supposed to be intended for the whole ter

nings added to his already perfect image a

rofessor would dare to come to Blaze's class unprepared, they will either read a

around him. He would usually point out things nicely but Blaze's

fessor together with the rest of the cla

the next meeting, maybe an oral examination or a written one" Beam casually said to their professor who g

hapters we had discussed today, as I might give an examination at the next meeting" the professor

ed before he closed his book with a contented smile on his face. Thei

lly asked without turning to hi

three left the classroom leaving everyone behind w

week!" someone exclaimed frustrated

ch Blaze had also asked. We have two exams on the same day,

y, composing of three to four chapters each" another

nation at the next meeting? We will all be dead if another exam will be added to this day"

is hunger for knowledge has affected all hi

their class president who just gaped at her before he looked

class president announced seriously, leaving

hat much time to cover all the chapters" someone exclaimed loudly after he stood up from his


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1 Chapter 1 nICE Prince2 Chapter 2 Almost Freezing3 Chapter 3 Nice Interest4 Chapter 4 Nice Trouble5 Chapter 5 Nice to Try Me6 Chapter 6 Drool7 Chapter 7 Nice And Huge8 Chapter 8 Nice And Hot9 Chapter 9 Nice Reminder10 Chapter 10 Exhausted 11 Chapter 11 Nice And Calm12 Chapter 12 Nice Surprise13 Chapter 13 Nice And Clean14 Chapter 14 Nice And Relaxed15 Chapter 15 Nice And Sweet16 Chapter 16 Nice And Beautiful17 Chapter 17 Nice And Fierce18 Chapter 18 Nice And Soft 19 Chapter 19 Nice And Safe20 Chapter 20 Nice Home21 Chapter 21 Nice And Homey22 Chapter 22 Nice Joke23 Chapter 23 Nice Longing24 Chapter 24 Nice Choice25 Chapter 25 Nice Night 26 Chapter 26 Sick27 Chapter 27 Nice Morning28 Chapter 28 Nice And Magnificent29 Chapter 29 Nice And Expensive30 Chapter 30 Nice Hospitality31 Chapter 31 Nice Trouble32 Chapter 32 Nice Show of Loyalty33 Chapter 33 Nice Meeting34 Chapter 34 Nice And Cold35 Chapter 35 Nice And Honest36 Chapter 36 Desperation37 Chapter 37 Pained Confession38 Chapter 38 Nice Resolve39 Chapter 39 Nice Plans40 Chapter 40 Nice And Peaceful41 Chapter 41 Nice Opportunity42 Chapter 42 Nice Catch43 Chapter 43 New Cleaner44 Chapter 44 My Man45 Chapter 45 Marry My Books46 Chapter 46 Yummy Engineers47 Chapter 47 Nice And Famous48 Chapter 48 Chipmunks49 Chapter 49 Orgy50 Chapter 50 Nice Impression51 Chapter 51 Nice Coincidence52 Chapter 52 Strong and Sturdy53 Chapter 53 Doctor's Robe54 Chapter 54 The President's Birthday55 Chapter 55 Nice Welcome56 Chapter 56 Nosy Spectators57 Chapter 57 Nice Reveal58 Chapter 58 Fat Fish59 Chapter 59 End of Charade60 Chapter 60 No More Cold Prince61 Chapter 61 New Nest62 Chapter 62 Nice Place63 Chapter 63 Uncertainty64 Chapter 64 Taking Good Care of My Man65 Chapter 65 Her Confession66 Chapter 66 Setting It Right67 Chapter 67 Dream Come True68 Chapter 68 END - The Doctor and The Engineer