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One Sexy Gamble

Chapter 5 The Gamble

Word Count: 802    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

s bold words. The lady pulled her hand and shouted at him while her voice was

Are yo

while lovingly replying to the woman who had

u? Defi

hit anymore which was definit

eached for her hand. His further words startled Agnes and she had no clue how to re

ble with the business and he is

Ages felt herself heavily br

copy and the purse she was having was also perhaps borrowed from someone. Moreover his

familiar but where he did he see her was unknown. Ezekiel recalled everything about the auction wh

would notice her that easily, since her father was ill already and the

r is having a hard time turning dirt into gold, but you know

reason she actually considered his proposal, she had nothing to lose except her life! Hereby

lp you? And why do you wan

h Ezekiel knew that she was not a stupid woman. But the way she

ant to scare her by asking so many questions. But her curiosity to know everything a

y and that's why I'm proposing this marriage to

her troubled face. Despite the smeared mascara around her eyes, which no doubt ma

ss that I fell in love w

d for her answer after disclosing to her the truth. Agnes was undoubtedly stunned by the shameless man

erson could help her with the financial crises she was having. The woman tho

ne to fall in love with a woman in a drunken state? Ugh! Th

was amiss. Ezekiel waited for her reply with an eager e

ccept th

uspecting that Ezekiel was mocking her. Whereas in just the matter of seconds two strong arms w

arry tod

ates from

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