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Virginity for sale

Virginity for sale

Author: moira9

Chapter 1 Virgin auction

Word Count: 715    |    Released on: 29/06/2021

ip fee. Those with power and money are always honorary members of the c

ead, life is in full swing: birth and death, love and hate, joy and pain. And each of

block contains pregnant women, the second, several

maidens’, where they undergo rigorous training. There they are taught to be an ideal woman, an ideal slav

nd affection, and pregnant women living in this elite brothel, and replenishing this school wi

ain. They are transferred to the second level. There they serve the memb

ubine for a rich man, every year between fifty and one hundred girls are born in the club and group

g that was required for a good development: food, attention, special education. Sometimes the children were taken out in the sun, the teachers took them out to a special playground in a

tomer. Each girl had to be submissive and grateful for everything to the one who bought her and took her from this place. Girls ha

urchased for marriage or other purposes, and then

ends managed to enter the neighboring room at night, where the pregnant women were located, and then, these more experienced ladies, would

ll his vigilance and run away! This is the only way to survive!” Were one of the young future mothers parting words, who

rate wards so that they would not harm themselves. It was strange for Diana to see these women, but curiosity ov

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