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Chapter 6 CANDY GIRL

Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 21/07/2021

ng that flaky candy again, when suddenly her train of thoughts were interrupted by the gentle knock on the door, she waited she waited some seconds for the knock to repeat before heading to open the d

emotions because they tend to hurt her In the end, no you’re not he said leaning forward to wipe her tears, did you see the doll tonight?. For a while she looked at him with wild eyes, how could he have guessed right, don’t be so surprised he started as if in her thoughts, you’re a strong woman Kim, only something like that would make

I’m a Christian Benedict!!, she said screaming, and when was the last time you went to church Kim! he was screaming to, do you know what’s going to happen to you if the candy doll

Kim’s attention and she had moved forward to take a closer look, with Benedict stopping her advising her not to look too close at the objects in the room, when suddenly a really small woman walked in, chuckling, she was so old and didn’t smell so nice, I would listen to him if I were you, she said startling them as they both didn’t realize they had company, she was the one they had come to see, then she looked at Kim and smiled, her name Naomi, they only daughter of the knight of Nottingham, but she was stood up on her wedding day, her husband to be never showed up, she had watched till the last guest left, and she had stayed up drinking and crying asking to be left alone, she didn’t make it till the next day, and her spirit had tormented Nottingham especially unmarried women, for years no one got married, and no one grew old, homosexuality had become high, her grave was exhumed and her corpse brought here, it’s the dead body you’re staring at, this really got Kim scared and she held Benedict’s hand tightly, you already have the candy girls curse she started you don’t want to add Naomi to them sweetheart

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