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All For Love

All For Love


Chapter 1 The beginning

Word Count: 1219    |    Released on: 20/07/2021





g for you guys, I don't know who you are??

omething??, we just want to send you to t

et here meet here but now I can't find him, instead I'm seeing some set

at the lon

knife and moved closer t

offense before

you have been told several times to stay away from Liam but you di

towards me I tried snatching the knife fro

I was, and the guy with knife brought the knife

dropping from the scratch, the rain dropping profusely wash

me, ma'am Emilia must b

ted the name, how c

w about we kill her completely" One of

with me and we are getting close to the end of the cli

loudly as I fell down t


oing to do with Els

pretty face something that can make her look

ent my goon

up with Els

eader answered me

aimed, hot tears f

you to scare her so she could stay away f

my guys, cause they have done a good jo

because you are part of our gro


Pov (E

esterday, I have been expecting her, I t

uld be okay wh

ds number but they

re could

ber called me

o is this

eded here urgently, we will send the address to you

the police

ne. ..I dressed up quickly and my driver drove m

of police officers staying

m my car and r

e" I asked, my heart

phone" One of the police as

e phone twice I know

me what's happeni

im fell down from the cliff, and I guess it could be your daughter.....We went thro

hearing...are they trying t

daughter wasn't the one here

re it is her??" I a

the end of the Cliff and anyone who fall off that cli

hter was the one here yesterday....I can't belie

at it was my daughter....Or else you will all get fired fo

ill alive, she might be distancing he



back, the news about our daughter is t

...We own one of the best

e police just now" My husband s

suicide" He added and t

t was on her neck was the key necklace I gave to her and the DNA test match

ix, what are we going to do??


I just met her recently but she is someone tha

t she was not in the locat

told her to meet with me that night

nder how Elizabeth is

very close to

as the first person I fell in

d her, I will make sure I


lieve Elsie i

chance to get closer to

oesn't know I was crushing on hi

with him tomorrow an

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