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Wedding Day Vampire

Chapter 58Ā Cold welcome

Word Count: 640 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 25/08/2021

room wearing an apron, she appeared to have been cooking and Joana could

asped. "Is thi

it is," Joana

a second," Fel

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue2 Chapter 2 Graduation3 Chapter 3 Private celebration 4 Chapter 4 Before the wedding 5 Chapter 5 Vampire save6 Chapter 6 Meeting Derick7 Chapter 7 Lou's story8 Chapter 8 Painful reality 9 Chapter 9 Grandma Jen's visit 10 Chapter 10 First hunt11 Chapter 11 Lesson gone wrong 12 Chapter 12 Dana's decision 13 Chapter 13 The Beginning of Marylin14 Chapter 14 Dana's worry 15 Chapter 15 Marylin's diary 16 Chapter 16 Study and train17 Chapter 17 The final page18 Chapter 18 Pixieland19 Chapter 19 Goodbye Odinbre20 Chapter 20 The wingless pixie21 Chapter 21 Hopeless solution 22 Chapter 22 Lonely journey 23 Chapter 23 Meeting the council 24 Chapter 24 Derick's save25 Chapter 25 Kissed by mistake 26 Chapter 26 Pleasurable dreams 27 Chapter 27 The first ingredient 28 Chapter 28 Third party 29 Chapter 29 Derick's resolution 30 Chapter 30 Lone hunt31 Chapter 31 Alone in the castle 32 Chapter 32 Night of passion 33 Chapter 33 River spirit34 Chapter 34 Prayer time 35 Chapter 35 Moving onto the next36 Chapter 36 The second ingredient37 Chapter 37 Trip to China 38 Chapter 38 A night of fun 39 Chapter 39 First human meal40 Chapter 40 Hwang's residence41 Chapter 41 Last minute booking42 Chapter 42 41- Reaching the temple43 Chapter 43 42- Mighty dragon44 Chapter 44 43- Self love45 Chapter 45 44- Satisfying needs 46 Chapter 46 45- The call47 Chapter 47 Hidden truths48 Chapter 48 Remain hidden49 Chapter 49 The third ingredient50 Chapter 50 The sea troll51 Chapter 51 A new home52 Chapter 52 The fourth ingredient 53 Chapter 53 Dancing with pixies 54 Chapter 54 Birthday girl 55 Chapter 55 The fifth ingredient 56 Chapter 56 Heated argument 57 Chapter 57 Assurance 58 Chapter 58 Cold welcome 59 Chapter 59 The whole pill60 Chapter 60 Big surprise 61 Chapter 61 The right thing 62 Chapter 62 Single lonely Vampire 63 Chapter 63 Derick gone64 Chapter 64 Dear diary 65 Chapter 65 Marylin's journey66 Chapter 66 New vampire 67 Chapter 67 A helping hand 68 Chapter 68 Vampire couple 69 Chapter 69 John70 Chapter 70 Special dedication 71 Chapter 71 Mad for you72 Chapter 72 Red flag 73 Chapter 73 Moving out74 Chapter 74 Killing rumours 75 Chapter 75 The dinner76 Chapter 76 Returning 77 Chapter 77 The sacrifice 78 Chapter 78 Spirit journey 79 Chapter 79 Here to stay80 Chapter 80 Another life 81 Chapter 81 Special remembrance 82 Chapter 82 Wedding bells 83 Chapter 83 Epilogue