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• Thanatophobia ~ {HP} •

Chapter 2 0.1: Early Bird Gets the Worm

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 31/07/2021

she had been for the past five years. Her little b

s pas, alors elle vous emmènera dans la pièce et vous parlera. Juste

d. Her original plan was to treat him like Cassiopeia since abortion would damage their reputation, but w

, as she struggled to get up. The fami

rs, with pureblood manners that h

other" they cho

ied with a quick glance tow

ade your favorite today,"

ing these disgusting aspects of the pureblood society. Leaving him with her mother when she attends school has been an expecting nightmare. She had turned 10 ar

l. As he was passing the letters to her mother, his eyes suddenly widened noticeably by everyone and began advancing towards C

t girl" snarl

s she saw the Hogwarts seal. Sensing her mother's agitation and


r: Albus

sorc.., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwu

. Bl

ed at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Plea

ait your owl by no



a McGo


ther looked gobsmacked as if she had seen a muggle talk to her, while her brother had th

beth had a sudden thought as she looked as if she had been hit with a tra

hie interrupted,


her age? '' he asked, eyes darting betwee

between the 9th and 10th centuries with the sole purpose to train children with magical abilities. However, your sister happened to get it a year early which is also the

now" Cassiopeia replied, roll

her mother snarled in response. "Say girl, didn't

eia forcefully answered, "Yes, Nico was quite

gwarts as a lost puppy, trailing after the mud blood. Why wouldn't I be surprised, you and mis

, her brother was more important. So she just forced a chuckle

till grasping the infor

rk passed down from father to daughter, "As the m

continued to eat his break

om. Son stay here and eat your b

room where she has experienced one unforgivable curse, the torture. A room where a seemingly innocent spell they teach in the second year that cuts things h


ing things that filth have created

g than listening to you ra

minder of the man that betrayed her trust. To the cocky grin, the clothes, looks, personality,

less painful stuff,'' he


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