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 Blue Bell A Dark Academy Romance

Blue Bell A Dark Academy Romance

Author: Sasha Fino

Chapter 1 Prolog

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 31/07/2021

rst man to touch me, to make soft love to me. By far it remains the best I ever had with a man. He had awa

m all along. For a while I overlooked it, observing the g

Feeling the soft spring breeze upon my face looking at the blank page on my laptop screen. It’s past time to speak the truth. Tell the

chitecture mansion was built around 1907, and it overlooked all of Portland’s skyline. My mother, Penny, left while I was still a newborn. Telling my Dad, she didn’t want to be a wife and a mother. Dad let her go with no fuss. Allowing Penny to leave with loads

school, I was the teacher’s pet. An excellent student, love to learn. Some teachers I’ve had I didn’t care for, I’ve overlooked that. No bullying went on in

art of the school newsletter. I was named the editor of the newsletter my 8th Grade year. Writing became my passion. I went out with Josh, the boy I played within the

there, and everyone expected my Dad to send me to Blue Bell. Had I thought of attending there? In fact, I did all the time. Dreaming of that day I could enroll. I’ve googled Blue Bell, more often than I’d like to admit. Built in 1812 an

ttend in the fall. Eating dinner at the best French Restaurant

e you sure about attending Blue Bell? It’s way back on the east coast! You mi

oved her time there and graduated top of her class. Blue Bell is also a tradition in our fam

s Blue Bell, Portland’s Ridge Academy. I went there, and I’ve hoped that someday you’d attend it. All your friends will

et my heart on going to B

re of attending B

thought it out, Dad.”

a side. “All right, Blue Bell it is. I’ll put a call in for you to begin in

e best!” I exclaim

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