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Word Count: 1015    |    Released on: 02/08/2021

and put her into the

y or hard you made it hard. I ha

ur niece, our flesh a

family, not even her mother. You can

hurt them anymo

ow much James. I'm always watching them no matter what you do to keep them safe

I had updates on them. Dean and his brother have a thing for my baby girl. I kn

too late. I don't want to hurt her but it's better tha

s. Yeah, I know this will start a war, but I have to save my baby girl fro

to be done. You will not hur

his James and you k

ust not for my daugh

we have kids

you haven't been in Jessy's

her life but I'm still

o perfect for her

you are nothing, but se

wanted to punch him in the face but instead

es. It doesn't have to

e. I'm not trying to take her away from you, but she do

ia but what you are bringing her into it not me

en you have been between them girl

sk her out, but you told me she was off-limi

's heart, okay but if you break it

not like you to leave my family b

I would never hurt Jessy on purpose. Yes, I may be sex-addicted but I can. No

ng to do everything I can to make it work with me and Jessy. Why did James have to be like this no

my kids. Now how would I explain to Jessy that her father wants war and won't let m

of a Mafia war. But I'm worried that she can't handle this fight. I ha

l st

ean, how ar

, I have a que

ay I'm a

. Now he wants war. I don't want to do that, but I have no choice an

awhile just give him what he wants just to do br

pe I will be home soon

be safe now

: I

l en

t want any parts of it unless she's in danger. I just hope I'm doing the right thing. I don't want to put Jessy and ou

fia world to take care of my family. I don't want this life for my kids. I w

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