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That Royal Betrothal

Chapter 8 The Wreck

Word Count: 1048    |    Released on: 14/12/2022


h this marriage, dear wife”, he whispers seductively as I

events you know”, I say looking at him daringly as I g

asks trying to pull me in again but I instant

attempt more stupid!”, I say. So much for all the training mum gave me

the first he had ever called my name. He was too arrogant and aggressive

t your wife to faithful to you all the days of her but, you can’t repay her loyalt

in confusion. W

you saw the day you came to tell me of Fernanda’s attempt

ot funny.” I

myself and Becca was before I married you. I only fli

e be when he called me that. “So, I think it’s cool to go around flirting with men

ays glancing at me as he walked to our cab

was to use carefully what I was blessed with to trigger him. Charm; I know I’ve a

ng this know and learn to not make stupid decisions because one

the bathroom changing to a charming outfit. I had to feel the power that he made me feel that I didn’t h

ld match with Zack’s ego as I couldn’t find. I immediately scanned the crew again as I sighted someone. The ship’s captain. He looked in his mid-thirties and rol

ch accent which they all understood clearly. Most of the

body abruptly stopping the swindle on the ship’s drive. He

emed enchanted by the woman in front of him a

men on a dead

ho ho and a b

nd the devil had

ho ho and a b

d my hips to the song. They began making beats w

ship shifted and hit somethin

ptain was distracte

n as the crew shouted. One went knocki

ing one of the crew men cloth. That

time as I sighted Zack rushing out. Water was already surfacing on the ship in swif

his hands pulled mine. He scanned the nearest exit as I got stuck on a wooden platform

t on,”,

er. Taking puffs of air and staring at the crew members. Their boats see

e have to sav

o that”, he said kicking

t’s wrong with

e and even kill you. We better go”. He said as the boat moved s

. That was a near death experience and I coul

n already tired as m


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