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Teach Me (The Gentlemen's Club)

Chapter 5 Hello, Doc

Word Count: 1601    |    Released on: 02/08/2021


r, sw

he mean

find out. Home was where she should

ding when her path was blocked

s overrated?- This

you, Chinese girl?"

andarin to prove her point. But sh

r English

with?" That gave her nemesis a pause. Oh, the bitch was

re poor, deaf, and...and...ugly. Yeah, " she huffed.

rl. Even grade-schoolers

r precious planned future just because of petty jealousy from brainless Scie

nd weighing her down so she left i

ain bitten her in the ass

girls and since she was thin and petite, her baggage heavy plus the girl

ned. That will

om the corner of her left eye, she saw his menacing stance

ls look

t deaf's..." Sandy tried to e


ce." He said it so softly yet

f her and she could

t suspension and meeting the parents.

r right ear in panic. Her fucking aide. She c

get, tears filled her ey

n someone touched

helped her up and

left ear can only p

m to show him her damaged he

t. This shouldn'

ped. -Y

its in Special Ed. Ar

her eyes filled

aid anymore. You can ta

her tears with his manicured hands

l figure out something. Com

and she was grateful but... She tapp

iend, pr

her ground, r

he can do with a hearing

ke sure she didn't escape, he

next to his tall

car. Nice. She had no idea what it was called but she guessed it was a sports car. He open

Uneasiness filled her. Why did she go with him with

er soft hand tapped him on his thigh before the

't mean to start

d it take for you to c

amusement. Yet hi

ook he


used to it. I told you,

sure this is okay? You might

n a heartbeat for you, my s

at the campus say? They

m? It's none of

xpelled. And you c

nd I won't. I promis

stubbornly held it on his thigh while he drove, occasion

lacked sleep. Might as well relax u

got the better of her and before she knew it,

ng glances he threw on

ntent. It


her up. Her sleepy light brown eyes surveye

r her jean-clad legs. Where was the professor?

oth of her ears. The damage had wo

ell right on the huge desk in

gor, M.D. Internal M

ring anything, she got up slowly. Her hands gingerly pat herself.

d. She wa

Two men entered the doctor's office. One

guy who gave her a hug

laying with her. Nicholas. Sh

d her. His eyes softened, it made her

ow th

ou feel right

e the subjec

ve to annoy you often so you

, hiding her f

e between the two of

are in one of those cars. I don't want you t

is head, e

don't want to scare you away. If my friends gave you huge tips, I didn't ask

s eyes darkened as he watched h

as a b


s warm body, his arms on

hem. He signed. Sinclair

m EJ, this id

ssor scow

n, doc. Nice to f

. His ocean blue eyes

a LiNX Quattro and the grade is the same as th

's expensive. I

aken care

rt. His words seemed to annoy the

nch the doctor on his biceps. She

! Not hi

n and their laugher died. He s

ant. She shook her head in fear an

t and regret

weet. I will never hurt you. Pl

eyes were full of remorse. Pl

e reached f

met her halfway and he pul

ey didn't notice his friend left


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