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My Celebrity Crush

Chapter 3 So clumsy

Word Count: 1464    |    Released on: 05/08/2021

y Sha

tepped out of the bathroom, dripping wet.

ing mirror was standing to

perfect abs, my curly dark hair, that cute p


o perfect?" I

exceptional" my subc

y" I told hi

e dressing and ready to leave


n, sir" A m

u breakfast fast i

re in a jiffy" I to

rest of my coffe

ne when the gatekeeper walked up to me

an is here to see yo

ing about? I was still wondering who the woma

ping she's not the wom

she?" I a

compound, sir" He

him and quickly

mediately I saw her stand


Isn't she t

u doing here

s saying but I

me that again!" I s

tell you that you don't hav

re crying profusel

d closer, she tried touching me

d at me but all I want from you is just a chance, I need you to hear me out son. It

ouse, I promise to have you lock up and I mean it"I threatened sternly and walked b

nry announced jolting

realized the

my day already, I don't wanna ever s

oudly with a

the car and my eyes

heck?" I

eting in such an absurd area?"

acial mask so that my identity would not be revealed when a c

ed my ey

of her mind?

to pull her away from



e, I pushed her and she la

he c

e jump on me

her and she equal

a g

and walked away wit

ll the board membe

r Houston was honor

Dad cause I wouldn't be here

ey" Mr Houston said for the umpteenth ti

ome" I said w

a meeting in such an unpleasant

l initially like I told you, and you know the company is

local but the hotel isn

n't deny the fact that the h

my walk with Mr H

as parked and Mr Houston

ndshake before

r when I glanced up and saw a familiar face

is face befor

that jumped on you this mor


ve some

glass door with Henry

d yes!-She was trul


sn't matter, I am only he

the counter and

she became

here she was standing w

beside her, she was also stari

naive face for some moments. She lowered h

fee" I finally order

urried off wit

was back with t

begins... I s

to bring my c


for..a cup of coffee" She

ing to your colleague, not you" I said and I could see the disapp

ard fan, I would just over look it" I

om the coffee and I

to my coffee!" I

eryone gasped

do such, I swear"

right, where's your manager?" I

coffee right away but please don't do this" She repl

she should just have a taste from the coffe


report you " I t

entire place w

time, okay? " I told her with a

t before walking

couldn't help but wink at her before I

stomers applau

" I said wit


whole life" I screamed happily along the pedestr


calling that momen

s so

s frightened b

od pressure when he had sai


cause of th

believe I fel


to meet him ag

y, I w

iving room and was trying

s" I heard his bariton

y J

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