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Falling for the Bd Boy

Chapter 4 School project

Word Count: 460    |    Released on: 06/08/2021



to work with that prude Lea. We had to follow each other around

h other. What the hell could I possibly learn from her? How to never h

hell. Then maybe Mrs. Ross would realize we weren't a good

she would only use it against me. She's just liked the rest. All the

oing it as well. Maybe I should play a little game with her. Invite her to a

isappoint Mrs. Ross, but I was angry at her for forcing me to work

y life. No, I've never been in her bedroom to see if it is hello kitty, but it

use you don't share the same beliefs as the. I looked over and ca

ho the hell does she think she is? I hated when people looked at me and thou

you get. But no one even cares. They just think they know me,

t waiting for that one person to help me prove t

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