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Clueless Love

Chapter 3 III

Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 09/08/2021

o do a few workouts and take a shower. I walk downstairs to make breakfast, but today there is a si

re coffee, eggs, and French toast for Waheeda, Aazim,

an say, coming down the stairs loo

in a private school,

black hair, a light skin tone, h

a and Aazim say while

say placing their brea

you get ready for

ish doing this,” I say pl

whisper to Ismail once

e that,” he w

because I am the master here a

your phone.” he sa

p my phone to check for the pictur

say, making a mental note to stop

s you can guess

ll find something to use against you and be

you,” he says using

acting like children,” Waheeda

” we both sa

how both of

we again say

copying me?

op.” we say again

ou stop,”

ht,” w

work. Ismail your breakfast is on the


t it every t

while enjoying his breakfast,

oral pattern on them. A white blanket with fluffy edges. There are two banana-colored chairs in front of my bed with a little table and a TV on the far wall. On either side of the bed is a white bedside table with flow

for my hijab (which is a headscarf), a black bag and a black set of heels. After I have finished dressing an

because my dear family for

ave never seen any like these,” I

ame of the brand is Indomie. It is the best noodles yo

he comments, looking i

some?” I say with an


am going to give him my bowl o

air,” he says, whi

ink I would be ni

r a minute I forgot w

I can eat in peace?”

n,” he says rai

! By

gon to drive to the office. I hope the CEO is a nice person becau

work here, and we have become friends. Emma is what you would call an American doll. She has rosy-pink skin, big blue eyes, wavy blond hair

ing up beside me and ha

you?” I say and take

you ready to

don’t know anything about him,

, sexy and single,” she says,

thing you would find out ab

ngle and ready for any guy to ch

nge?” I smile whil

t a ring on it,” she chuckles w

t you in m

tell me if he is really like they say,”

k to the conference room w

utes before he arrives. You won’t

and I say at

at the same time, making everyone

step outside

say cringing w

here?” we exclaim si

doing this,” we

st,” we bot

op this,” we say ag

the boss,” he says, straig

ms. “I don’t know what you are doing here, e

company, so, Miss, you are the one who shoul

I see you everywhere I go in my life?” I demand. I can feel

but no one can find

want to tell anyone

declares before walking back into the conferenc

made me the team leader. I am sure he did it to see me fail so he can

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