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Word Count: 1201    |    Released on: 18/08/2021



i would never be a succes

lling her doll was another thing she was not going to let

st call me?" She

ou liked to be called" A

f this is your restaurant but am gonna break those na

are we going to spend this evening like we did all time five years

of them being his best friend, if he dated a woman Kaira did not lik

ried?" Daniel asked changing t

ly am not" A

o would want a crazy woman ha

t a woman like you

rephrase that, he wants a woman

ace with his hands,it was

e he wa

d without you two killing each other?" H

eady lost my appetite" ka

Daniel was do

you for some drinks for some real catch up

arried don't you understand?" Kaira asked now

after all, once a

ee any love between you t

card from his pocket a

id practically dragging her out of the restaurant, he opened the

some drinks with her?,"

o you act childish Kaira

trash of a little girlfriend in

k normally, you trying to start a fight with Amanda and you tel

wished she could just dump out of the car

wanted a hook up with Amanda which she

ride, the two didn't

shower while Kaira looked for a movie th

e knew how unreasonable she had been by r

him to sleep with anyone except Aman

he should pick up or not, she checked the caller and saw a new number

ed kaira home?, she s

h his wife for their wedding night!"

nd found Daniel half dressed

him, she waited for him to cover his chest w

an be unbareable sometimes, i just

she added when he di

ace her, a smi

ghtly when she sa

mmediately the words came out of

ed, she mentally scolded hersel

sked even though sh

you call?" H

" She let ou

er call

that stupid Amanda for

hearing th

he asked when she h


me!" He

swered looking e

her?" he asked ma

eyes glued

again, she could feel him getting closer to h

o change the intense atmosphere, he grabbed her hands, p

at was going to happen, he was going to kiss her, she felt goosebumps imag

ll too sexy in her ears making her adre

g anywhere on our wedding night"

w her on th

was working on his trousers when

are you doi

but trust me, by the time i will be done, you are going to realize that am no longer that teenage

replaced with flight, No he wouldn't,

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