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that woman

that woman


Chapter 1 one of the riches

Word Count: 589    |    Released on: 14/12/2021

rd a voice calling me that voice is comin

just keep on walki

my way I have no c

ucca? , what d

a nice dress not wearing office clothes “ and there she left, haaaah, I

to set me up with an old man but all of her scheme failed be

packing up and ready to

d? you need anythin

the party later “ and

u really want” I have no choice b

me directly to change my clothes, while I was driving on the

car in the whole world, maybe he's one

r 30 mins of drivi

feel it, maybe because of all

wards the house I can h

ne for coming in t

me news that I want a

ws that he want to say that I

owards where my fathers

irection, " come my beautiful daughter my only daughter ,

ace can make other's envy and I have a sexy figure that can make men's hard just by loo

r she's already 22 b

he crow

continue what he sup

daughter Elena Green, and my s

father say? I look

ing of this? you never to

ised, " after my father say that he

around just to s

r of that car earlier,

our husband to be, " he face the man

is man loo

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