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Broken Bad Boy

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1390    |    Released on: 25/08/2021


y arms as my pillow. I looked up at the gr

e hit his wife in front of his car repair shop where I worked as a mechanic—well, used to,

on their own. Whatever she did, that didn’t give him the right to hit her. He could confront her privately, but he was an asshole. M

ger. Women were born to be loved and respected unless they deserved to be treated the w

judge that. What goes

iling. For the whole year, my life was fucking is black and white.

my attention. A 40-year-old, medium build man wear

s a lot ahead of you, young man. Get out, and enjoy your life while you can,” the p

life. My life was worse than being locked

ially my parents, and certainly not my friends because I didn’t have anyone in my life since last year. My

he walked toward

you,” he explained while staring at me

He gave me my things back—w

you, of


name on h

you need a ride? I

d to stay in the cell because I still had

couldn’t believe he offered me a ride, even if he

re were still few good people in this world who helped someone in ne

live? I’ll drop you off th

he police station. “Really, sir. I don’t w

ou’re coming with me. Now

he passenger’s side. I couldn’t remember the la

ing I noticed was the

” as if he reads my mind, he said befo

you did today?” Officer Ward asked me, giving me

ike this. It wouldn’t only hurt me, but it ripped up the wound open. The older it got, the more it rotten me slowly.

me. I’m just a

swallowed hard. I had to blink rapi

shared his feelings with a stranger, bu

at Hillston. I want to take biology. Then maybe, on

accident, I had kept myself away from people. I ignored everyone, including my parents. I’d never been with

an ass and cruel to everyone who thought they knew me, my pain, and my loss, but the

ouldn’t imagine you c

. He knew I have had built walls, an

e, I admired his tenacity. But I still had a lot

Officer Ward. I could change my mind anyti

ike this, sometimes, it became too much, too nostalgic. I wished I co

and released a sh

ival. It’s almost dinner anywa

credulously. This

is. Why are you even inviting me to your home

, seemingly taken aback. “Are

put me back in jail if I plan on stealing y

on’t have collections, and third, you can steal my gun, but I doubt if you even know how

watched Wild Wi

hink of pulling a trigger. I may be old, but I doubt you are violent, Percie. You may have had difficult times, but I know you are just

to imagine what I’ve

eith. You definitely have no

n front of a blue-gr

t to be k

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